Friday, January 25, 2008

Well its Friday and its cold!! Brrr. Anyway, I'm not going to have the winter blues today b/c I'm going to lunch with my friend, Jill and we are going to talk about our trip to Nashville. We are also going to the art store to pick up some supplies that I need and maybe we'll even have time to pop into a couple of fun antique shops. Jack has an overnight birthday party tonight for his friend, Tanner, they share a birthday . Kate has a birthday party tonight so I think it might just be Joe home tonight. I guess that is about it. I really should try to get in a little work out so I can indulge a little at lunch. Have a wonderful Friday!


Valerie said...

next time u want to hit some antique stores, let me know. there are a couple of things I'm looking for . . . I need an old dresser or something for my upstairs hallway and I'm always on the look out for teacups & saucers and I like Vintage Valentine's day stuff.

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

OOOO I am in for antique shopping too. our fine china is all mixed pieces of antique china...and Bailey needs a dresser. Plus I just love strolling through them!!! I hope you enjoyed your lunch!