Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lazy Day at Preschool

Hello, Just got home from preschool and wow was it a gloomy January lazy day. Typical January, we had several kids out in each two's room so we just opened the door and shared kids. We were like little hungry caterpillars, eating our way through the morning. I think I ate all my calories for the day between 10 and 11am. I did get to see my friend and fellow blogging buddy, Valerie. I had fun opening the connecting door saying Hi. Kate has to dance tonight at the game and I need to get going on folding all the laundry I washed and dried yesterday. I'm hoping to get some kind of work out in before bed tonight.

1 comment:

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Sorry I missed the "eating through our day" day, I have been munching all day too.