Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hi! Well, I think its going to rain today, of course it is, its Tues. lol. Oh well. Maybe just maybe it will hold off until noon or maybe we can switch our morning around and go outside early b/c it isn't cold which is fantabulous! I love that.

Not too much to write about. Kids are all off to school and I even packed all their lunches. Go me! I did good counting my points, I think i used all of them and that includes my little credit for my exercising. We'll see how today goes at school. There is always something to get into there.

Have a wonderful day.


Valerie said...

ya' know why it's going to rain today? because we bbq'd last night. Chris said the last 3 times we've cooked out on the grill, it's rained the next day. Weird, huh???

Unknown said...

yes, i'm sure that is exactly why its going to rain today. lol

Valerie said...

for real! it's like living w/ Al Roker or James Spann! :-)