Friday, January 18, 2008

Okay, On a More Serious Note! It's Friday!! Whoo hoo!

Alright, alright, so I can't really go back to bed for the next two weeks, I know, but man, do I want to. The kids are off to school and it is really nice to just take a few min. to sit here, surf the internet, drink my yummy coffee and just hang out for a min. Rick will be home some time today, more like tonight. jack is having a friend spend the night, Kate is a having a little get together with some friends which means, I have to get downstairs and clean! I think I really will go out and walk, it will be good for me and then I have to go to the bank and maybe the grocery store and that is pretty much all I have to do. I'm working on an angel painting for the bulletine board at preschool. Our open house is next Sunday and Trisha asked me to paint something fun on it. I said yes, that would be fun but I forgot how hard it is to paint on brown paper. It will be cute when it is all finished. I think she is going to put pictures of all the kids up there around the angels. Well, that is about it for me. have a great Friday.

1 comment:

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

You are right my kids are moving from the sweet baby out b/c these kids have BIG personalities!!! Don't sleep the next two weeks away, enjoy the silly snow!!!!!!!!