Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hi. here are some pictures from the lake yesterday. joe went tubing for the first time. we had a beautiful day and came home last night worn out!

Friday, August 29, 2008

I think I like this match.

This is the dress we bought yesterday for 70s day. Normally, I wouldn't buy a new dress just for a dress up day at school but.... i accidentally threw away one of kate's maxi dresses last week when I cleaned her room so I sort of felt bad and anyway, this one is way cuter and I can wear it too!

homecoming dress
Hey Everyone!

I've been so bad about posting lately. Please don't give up on me. This time last week, I was dealing with major drama. I'm happy to report that the dust has settled and all is well at our home at least as I'm typing this.

Yesterday was meet the teacher for my two's parents and children. I'm going to have a great class. I'm so excited! four girls and two boys. I like this set up b/c the year I had four boys and two girls, it was horrible. I'd much rather deal with all the girl drama and bossiness than the boys being crazy wild. My room looks so cute and I've set up all my fav. books and I'm copying cds now so I'll have my own music. rick is buying me a new camera so I will be able to take pics. My awesome little sony snap shot was ruined a couple of weeks ago due to a coffee spill in my bag. oops. :( Anyway, I've become so used to having a camera at my fingertips that I'm sort of going through withdrawls.

I'm so glad I have my little preschool job. I know it isn't a new job for me but I think this year, I'm looking at it from a different perspective. It is really a good thing for me to get away from my house, my computer and the drama that is contained there. lol. If I didn't have any where else to go and put my energy into, I think I'd go crazy.

With that being said, not sure if I told you but Kate has a date to homecoming. His name is Ryan and he is a sophomore. Her dress is so pretty and perfect for her figure. I think her group is going to be a lot of fun. The way homecoming works here is the kids all come to the game after their dinners. It is so fun for the moms to see the kids esp. the girls in their dresses. Kate was saying last night that she and her friend Maddie don't want to come to the game b/c they will get all sweaty and yucky. I was freaking out, I told her she had to go to the game, we'd just give her botox so she won't sweat. okay, just kidding on the botox but seriously, that is the fun part for the parents, other wise we don't get to see anything. She informed me that they only stay at the dance for 10 min for pics and then they're off to the after party. lol. Like I never went to homecoming.

Tonight is the first Hoover home game. It is nice outside so I think we are going tailgate with friends and have dinner there so we will be there and we can socialize. With Jack being in the middle school, he'll have new friends to see. Joe will probably hook up with his baseball buddies from the other schools along with his buds from his school. All the little boys play football on the hill, its cute.

Guess that is about all. I'm not talking about the DNC. I'm just glad its over and I don't like any of them. Whats up with Oprah crying her eyelashes off? Seriously. get a grip woman.

Gotta Run

love ya.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

HI! I'm posting now. Let's see. I had a fun day. I was up early with the kids this morning. Everyone got to school on time thank goodness! I was at the preschool around 9 to meet my babies and their parents. We only have 4 right now but I'm sure it will fill up soon. I think our babies are going to be so great. I worked in my two's room for a bit today and I'm so excited to meet them tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to this year. For some reason, I just need to be working and not home worrying about everything. I've been painting a little bit and I have a cross order to finish. Shawn, I will refire Josh's mug very very soon! I'm sorry I'm so delinquint. The boys football have been canceled due to the fields being flooded. I think we have practice tomorrow. I know Jack will be happy to be out there being the best defensive end! Sounds like a lot of kids have been asked to homecoming so that is sooo fun. Kate's dress is so pretty. I am looking forward to seeing everyone. Friday night is our first home game. We are planning on tailgating with friends before hand. Yay! Go Bucs. :) Alabama plays Clemson on Sat. We'll be at the lake but we'll have it on singing Roll Tide Roll! I'll let you know how my two's are. :) Night.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

hi! had a good day at our preschool meeting. i think its going to be a great year. it is still raining! ugh! stop already.
hi! had a good day at our preschool meeting. i think its going to be a great year. it is still raining! ugh! stop already.

Monday, August 25, 2008

HI! Well, just to let my friends who are not local that it has been raining torentially all day and most of the weekend. I was so happy to have some where to go this morning. I had to be at preschool for our cpr and first aid class. It was fun seeing the girls there, I definitely missed the girls who aren't returning. It just wasn't the same in the hall with out them. I do think Kara is going to be a wonderful director and my room is going to be fun! Tomorrow, I'm going to decorate my door and set the books up and all the fun stuff. Wed. I will be in the baby room meeting our babies and the parents. Thurs is my day to meet my two year olds. I'm so ready to get back to work. :)

Well, Hoover is hopping with homecoming dress shopping and boys asking girls to homecoming and boys wanting to ask girls but mama's saying they can't ask the girl. haha. Oh my goodness it has been quite an experience with homecoming. My skin is a little thicker these days which is probably good thing. I must say that I am sort of ready for it to be here and be done. I know that is just horrible to say but I can't take any more drama. Kate and I found a really pretty dress yesterday. We ended up buying it b/c it is perfect on her and she has a tricky little figure. She can't just walk into anything. Anyway, it is perfect and she officially has a date. let me just tell ya, its been crazy!

Tonight is the start of DNC. I don't know if I'll tune in. Maybe, maybe not. Probably not. I'm so over looking at Michelle Obama's face I don't think I can see it anymore.

I hope you have a great night and it isn't raining where you are. :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hi Everyone

I know I've been out of commission the past couple of days within the blog world. Its been a little crazy around here but I think everything is okay at least for this moment. Kate had sort of a rough week, she wasn't feeling very well and then there were boy issues along with mama drama and I am seriously wondering if I will survive her highschool years. God new what he was doing when he gave Rick and I two boys after Kate. Jack is enjoying 6th grade, his new medicine is wonderful and helping him focus and not be so scatter brained. He has made several new friends from school so his social schedule has picked up a little bit. Rick has been working on his lease getting it ready for deer season. He is a little disappointed b/c he doesn't think he has many bucks on there. Football season kicks off one week from today. Yay! Can't wait!! Rick and I are going to dinner tonight with friends of ours. I'm looking forward to a nice evening out. :)Its rainy here, I think we're getting a little bit of Fay. The weather people are saying that some parts of Alabama are going to get up to 10" of rain. All the rain definitely helps with the drought situation. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

HI! Just got in from my walk, I was thinking that I really like walking around 9am but in a couple of weeks that is going to change b/c of preschool. I'm either going to have to get up super early and walk or do it when i get home. I'm not so great at super early b/c it is usually dark and i don't like walking by myself in the dark.

We've been busy around here with football and other various activities. I think Kate's boyfriend is going to ask her to homecoming soon. He was sooooooo sweet this morning. He asked me if it is okay if he asks her to homecoming. How sweet is that???? I'm such a romantic , i'm happy to see that chivalry still exits.. There is just something so sweet about southern boys and how respectful they are to moms. :) Awww. Anyway, I will for sure let you know when it is official. How fun to pick out a dress and shoes and everything!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


On taxes, Obama waxed political: "What I'm trying to do is create a sense of balance and fairness in our tax code." McCain showed an understanding of what drives a free economy: "I don't want to take any money from the rich. I want everybody to get rich. I don't believe in class warfare or redistribution of the wealth."

To any honest observer, the differences between John McCain and Barack Obama have been evident all along. What we saw last weekend was Obama's shallowness juxtaposed with McCain's depth, the product of his extraordinary life experience.

It may not have been a debate, but it was one of the most lopsided political contests in memory. No wonder Obama wants to keep debate formats boring and predictable.

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Long Story Short: I'm not predjudice against immigrints, I get angry when they don't follow the rules, thats all. I don't care what color, religiion or race they are just follow the rules, our rules, the rules that we all have to follow.

Okay, enough about that. Let's see. Hmm, kids are off to school, albeit the boys were a little sleepy and a lot sore but they're at school. Kate got up great and even took brownies she baked for some friends.Rick is on his way to Athens to ride with a rep there and I need to get outside and walk. It is really nice this morning but I'm sure it will get hot. I got up around 5am and did about a half an hour of yoga and wow was I not having a good session. My neck is really hurting and I'm just tight. :( i guess that means i need to get up and do it more often.

Jack has football tonight, Joe doesn't but he has it tomorrow night. I know that I could never coach football let a lone 3rd graders playing football. 1. their attention span is very short. 2. i don't think they can hear with their helmets on. 3. they really don't know what to do and if they are supposed to tackle some stranger, someone who isn't their brother, they really don't want to. I guess they have to start somewhere but wow, Joe's coach really should be getting paid for his time.

Have a great day!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just thinking:

In last night's homily, Fr. MCD compared the predjudice views the disciples held against the cannanite woman to the predjudice views that we have toward the hispanics today in our city, state and country. I am not predjucide against someone because of race, religion, or beliefs. I might not always agree with their views but I think everyone should be allowed to have the same opportunities for which they can go after and acheieve great things. This is where I have issues. Don't break the rules. All I ask of the hispanics or anyone else that comes in to our wonderful country, go through the hoops, be legal, pay your taxes, don't be a drain. I don't think Jesus wanted peole to not live honestly and living here and working here under someone else's ss # is not living honestly. That my friend is not being predjudice, it is being fair. I know that Fr. MCD leans way to the left when it comes to issues and I usually enjoy his homilies but I thought last night's was just a little too vauge. I wanted to raise my hand and say, okay, why can't they just do it right. It's not fair to the rest of us who have to pick up the slack b/c they live under the radar. I just feel so strongly about this issue.
Hi! Okay, I haven't blogged in a while. Since school has started, we've been busy. I thought maybe we would get to the pool this weekend but we didn't make it. Jack and Joe both had football yesterday morning, I went to a trade market type flea market with my friend Jill. I helped her find some fun things for her b&b. We did go to church last night which was so nice b/c we got to sleep in this morning and just hang out. Kate is feeling better. We told her she could have one night this weekend to do something but thats it as she just gets too run down. She picked Friday night. We went to our neighbors, Randy and Donna's for cocktails on their back porch and ended up staying and watching Michael Phelp's amazingly close race. He is just awesome! Wow! I'm so glad that he got all of his 8 gold medals. Yay Michael. I love seeing how happy his family is for him. I would be the same way if it were my sister or brother. Joe had practice yesterday in full pads. He loves it. He feels totally awesome and big in his football gear. He and Jack have practice this afternoon. I love keeping them busy. Friday I helped with the 6th grade social. It was really fun to see all the kids. They look sooooo young. To think, Kate was just there 3 years ago in 6th grade. Kate is enjoying high school. There is never a dull moment around here. I'm hearing some rumblings about homecoming. We have about 5 weeks til the game/dance. When do boys start asking? Maybe 3 weeks? I don't remember. The thought of finding a dress is a little daunting. I just wore a skirt and sweater but to think that it will still be 95 degrees still, i'm not sure what they girls wear. It is definitely dressier than my homecoming.Valerie!! Remember last year, we were at the game saying that our girls would be there next year. Well, here we are. Crazy

I have to shower so I can go outside and sweat at football. :)


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hello. Just got in from a little jog and i thought i was going to die by the time i was finished. i think i should have gone this morning. note to self, jog earlier than 1:00pm in August. :) I am very proud of myself b/c I've actually gotten a lot of cleaning done this week. It is so nice having the house clean again. Kate is feeling better even though she is tired when she gets home, she can rest. Okay, this was so cool last night. She was working on her Spanish homework and her teacher is HORRIBLE! I mean he really is, he has a terrible reputation but oh well, she is in there and she'll have to make it. He gave them their homework yesterday which was to learn 30 spanish terms for a quiz today. He told them to go to the text book's website as it is interactive and it will help them learn it. Ha, how nice that we are paying him to tell our kids to go to the internet to learn what he is supposed to be teaching. anyway, she did and it was pretty neat how she clicked on the term and it said it to her so she could hear it. The kids have so many neat tools right at their finger tips.

Jack had football last night. He did not make weight so he will be on the line. His coach told us on Sunday if could get down to 105 he wouldn't have to play on the line and they might be eligible for another player. Well, okay, it is a little difficult to lose four pounds in 2 days for a regular person let a lone an eleven year old hungry boy! He did lose a pound but it wasn't enough. Oh well. I told him next year would probably be differnt. He won't be the biggest boy in the end. He still has that cute little baby fat on him.

Joe has football tonight, full pads. He soooooooo excited! rick won't be home from Atlanta until later on this evening so I will haul us over there. I love watching them play so I really don't mind. Joe is sort of the opposite of Jack. He is such a light weight, I'm sure the coach isn't sure what to do with him. I'll let you know though.

I am off to shower as I'm so yucky from my jog.


What word comes to mind when I think of the Chinese. SHADY! Yep, shady, shady, shady. I mean really. I don't believe the pollution is at safe levels for people to breath, I don't believe they've stopped using lead paint, and I certainly don't believe their gymnasts are all of competing age. Did the Americans screw up, yep, they did. Should the Chinese use gymnasts who under the age to compete, nope, they shouldn't. They're just shady characters. Just do it right! Play fair dammit! And the world gets mad at America. Ugh! so annoying.

While the Chinese team celebrated, Martha Karolyi, the U.S. national team coordinator, continued to question the ages of some of China's gymnasts. Concerns over eligibility on the six-member team surfaced before the Olympics and have continued all week.

"One of the girls has a missing tooth," Karolyi said, suggesting that the gymnast was so young that she lost a baby tooth and had yet to have a permanent one emerge.

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Photos: Chinese women win gymnastics gold
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The grin of Deng Linlin, a Chinese gymnast who is listed as 16, indeed revealed a wide gap. To be eligible for the Olympics, gymnasts must turn 16 this year. "I have no proof, so I can't make an affirmation," Karolyi said.

China's coach, Lu Shanzhen, bristled when the age issue arose again on the day his gymnasts had upset the Americans, the reigning world champions. He would not explain Deng's missing tooth.

"It's unfair that people keep saying the Chinese are too young to compete," Lu said in Mandarin on his way out of the National Indoor Stadium. "If they think they can tell someone's age just by looking at them, well, if you look at the foreign athletes, they have so much more muscles than the Chinese. They are so strong. Do you then say that they are doping?"

Half of the team - He Kexin, Yang Yilin, Jiang Yuyuan - is under age if online sports registration lists in China are correct. The international gymnastics federation, however, said those gymnasts were eligible and that the ages on their passports were correct.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hi! Can I just tell you it rained and rained and rained yesterday even last night! It is so soggy outside but very green and sort of jungly. I really need to work in my garden by my deck but the grass is sort of tall and I'm a little worried about snakes being in there. i think i'll just wait til it frosts and work on it in the winter.

We watched more of the olympics last night. Man is Michael Phelps amazing or what? Wow! He is awesome. Rick and I let the boys stay up and watch him swim last night. I think its worth it for them to see special things during the Olympics.

Kate is back to school. She asked this morning if she can go to youth group tonight. What is wrong with her? Seriously! NO, she can't go. The dr. told her go to school, come home, rest, do your homework and go to bed!

I need to get out and walk this morning!! I'm posting a picture of Jack and his friends studying on the back porch yesterday. He organized the study session himself!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

In "The Case Against Barack Obama", you’ll learn:

How Obama’s friendship with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright was no accident, but a carefully thought-out personal and political decision
The inside story of Obama's association with terrorist Bill Ayers wouldn’t matter — an exposé of the insular radical chic of Chicago's Hyde Park politics
The real story of Obama as a puppet of Mayor Daley's corrupt Chicago political machine
What Obama really did for convicted developer Tony Rezko
Debunking the myth of Obama’s "new" politics: how Obama won his first election by throwing all of his competitors off the ballot
The new 'Dirty Politics': how underhanded politics sabotaged Obama's opponents in his 2004 Senate race
A story Obama would like to stay buried in Chicago: how he used his clout as a U.S. senator to save the corrupt Cook County Political Machine when reformers of both parties tried to challenge the entrenched political bosses
How Barack Obama opposed a bill banning infanticide-by-neglect — a stance too extreme even for Nancy Pelosi. (Freddoso has an exclusive interview with the nurse central to the case.)
Why the National Abortion Rights Action League says Obama is the most pro-abortion candidate they have ever backed
How Obama has repeatedly steered taxpayer money to campaign donors
And much, much more.
Sober, fair, and thoroughly researched — and all the more powerful and provocative because of it — "The Case Against Barack Obama" removes the halo from a man less qualified, and more radical, than the mainstream media has let you know.

Find out why electing this man as our Commander-in-Chief could be the most dangerous decision in American history.

David Freddoso covers Capitol Hill for National Review Online, and was previously a political reporter for the Evans-Novak Political Report and Human Events. A graduate of Notre Dame and the Columbia School of Journalism, he lives in Washington, D.C.

Hi! Okay, it has been raining all day long! It really feels more like a fallish day instead of an August day. You know how I like it hot and sunny but I know a lot of you are enjoying this rain and of course it is soooo good for our drought issues. I did get my hair done today but not before taking Kate back to the dr. this morning. She is sick with strep. Can you even believe it? I mean, its not like she was locked in a air tight no germs room all summer long. She was with her friends all the time, different friends all the time at the beach, the lake, their houses, the pool. Why does she get sick two days into school? I know a lot of kids are home with mono or strep or something! Since she went to the dr. so early this morning, she will be able to go to school tomorrow. Thank goodness, but how cool is this? She has a web site she can go to for her biology homeowrk. Isn't that awesome? No excuses not to have her work done! I love my hair. It was looking so brassy and just yucky that I was anxious to get it done. Alicia, my girl, did a great job. She did fun highlights a long with low lights. It looks great! I tried taking pictures of it but I didn't like them so of course, I deleted them,you'll have to see it in person. :)

Let's see. Joe is so excited about football. Rick just took him out to get his cleets and practice jerseys. I swear he wants to sleep with his new pads and helemt on. He seems to be enjoying his new teacher and the same goes for Jack.

Umm, I guess that is about all for now. Later Gaters.
its raining,
going to the dr. with kate

Monday, August 11, 2008

I was going to give her away but now that she is framed, i love her right where she is!

HI. I've had a productive Monday so far. The kids were up and ready for school. The boys were moving a little slower than usual b/c they are sore from football. They each enjoyed their practices yesterday and tonight Rick has to take them to buy practice pants, pads, chin straps and whatever else is required. Jack has practice tonight and Joe has it tomorrow and they both have it on Thurs. I love being busy with practices. It keeps us moving. Kate went to her first spanish class this morning. She didn't have zero period last week so this was the first day. she isn't feeling well at all but she was there.

Last night we all sat and watched the Olympics. What fun to see the men's relay and how awesome that the Americans won! Yay!! I think it is fun that W is over there and I think the athelets are happy he is there too. :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

We are off to football in a min. Both boys have practice at the same time at different locations so Rick and I are switching in the middle of each practice so we will at least both be able to attend the first one and meet the parents.

Here is a picture of Joe's buzz! He loves it!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hi! Ahh, we got to sleep in a little bit this morning. Rick got up early and walked, it is so pretty outside. Still low humidity and sunny and even a little breezy not typical for our august but we'll take it. wish we were going to the lake today but now that we are in school and the boys have football tomorrow i think our lake days are coming to an end. :( The kids all had a good start to school this week so I'm thankful for that. Kate went to a get together last night and the boys hung out here at home with me and rick. We watched a lot of the opening ceremonies. I thought the program was really stunning and the Chinese as shady as they are, did a fabulous job! I think I might want to try tai chi. :) Loved seeing W there too and of course Laura. I tried to stay awake to see the Americans walk in to the stadium but I couldn't. I kept falling asleep. I thought they did the parade alphabetically but I guess not, even though we would have been close to the end anyway. I think its fun to see the athletes in their countries colors, all dressed alike.

Today, I'm going grocery shopping and working around the house. I should get outside and get my walk in early. :)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Valerie got me thinking about my favorite olympic memory. I always love the gymnastics and after watching Nadia in '76, I wanted to be a gymnast. It didn't take me long to figure out that I did not enjoying flipping backwards. I also love watching the skaters but I worry that they're going to fall and get hurt on that ice. Ouch! My favorite memory has to be the American hockey team winning gold! Wow, that was sure fun. I remember we were all gathered at Grandma and Grandpa Metz's for the event. I think Jerry and Jeny were even here. We were all watching the game in the family room on the one tv they had. It was really fun and everyone was excited. What a great memory!

Thought this was really cute. Ralph heard the bus yesterday and he got so excited that he ran and found a sock b/c he was ready to play witht he kids. Too bad, the kids weren't on teh bus though. :(
Hello. It's Friday! I love Fridays. It is my favorite day of the week. All three kids had great days at school yesterday! Kate said she was pleasantly surprised at how much better it was than she had thought. Does that make sense? I had planned on picking the kids up yesterday just b/c it was the first day and I have to pick kate up anyway. Well, there was a little incident with the garage door. It was really the fault of the power being out and I had to open the garage door manually which is really a little bit hard. I guess it wasn't all the way up b/c when I backed out, my luggage rack on top of my suburban crashed into the door. Oops. Well, then I was trying to get it back on the track so I could at least get out and I couldn't. Thank goodness for cell phones b/c I called Rick and told him to run to the FC and get kate. I text kate and said that dad was on his way, in the mean time I had to tell Rick why I wasn't going. He does not handle things like accidents and broken garage doors very well. I mean, sometimes, things happen and this is why we have insurance. The garage people are coming this morning. I'm sure we'll need a whole new door which is expensive and if we need a new big door, we'll have to replace the little one b/c they'll have to match. You know I'll let you know. :) Let's see, it is so pretty out this morning. I really need to get out and walk. We must have had a nice cool front come through. I did get my house cleaned yesterday. I did the kitchen, the floors and two bathrooms. I also folded laundry. I think today I will work on baseboards and I should pull grass out of my gardens. My gardens are so pitiful. I just couldn't get into it this year. :( Tonight is the opening ceremonies for the olympics. I just can't get excited about China. I think China does some shady things and I really have no interest in supporting anything Chinese. Now, of course,I hope our Americans do well and I'm sure we'll watch some of the games but I feel bad that they are over there with all the nasty pollution. Blah! Football starts this Sunday for the boys. Can't wait for the games, its going to be a fun season. I really can't wait to see Joe in his uniform. haha, he is going to look so cute. I guess that is about all for now. Hope ya'll have a great Friday!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

But the question of whether Obama could forever retain his Teflon coating and stifle concerns about serious weaknesses in his record and character has been answered. The answer we have learned, from liberal pundits no less, is a resounding “no.”

I found this on line today from Jennifer Rubin's blog. This article is about how the liberal pundits are starting to doubt Obama. Finally, the veil is lifted!
i think i should tell you that joe is totally faking his grouchy look in the pictures. he was pretty jazzed about going to school this morning. :)

ps don't my impatients look gorgeous on the front porch? ugh! i'm so over them. its time to just pull them out and wait for the mums. :)

Hi! Well, we have officially started school. Everyone was up and ready to go. It is very nice knowing they are in school and learning something. Here are some pictures. I'm tired and I must pick up the house. it is a mess!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hi. So I think we are ready for tomorrow. We certainly have all the clothes to be ready for tomorrow, that's for sure. Today, has been crazy. I went to the store early so I could buy things for lunches. I picked Kate up at her friends and then we came home. Kate showered and then we went over to the high school so she could find her classes and get more aquainted with the school. We then came home and put our swim suits on and went to the pool for awhile. There were lots of people there soaking up the last day of summer. :( We came home, changed again and then headed to the galleria to buy jeans for school. thankfully, that didn't end in tears and we headed home around 7:30. Joe has showered, Jack is showering in the morning and in the mean time, drama has errupted with the freshman. it never ends with this group and i'm sooo over it! if this is how it is going to be, it is going to be a lonnnnngggg four years. i mean, come on! i'm tired and ready for bed and thankful that rick and i have one daughter in highschool and no daughters in middle school.

good night.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

WE are one day closer to the '08/09 school year. I think we are pretty much ready. Joe needs a hair cut and Kate and Jack need a couple of supplies but all in all, we are at least ready for Thurs and Fri. We might run up to the new Target that just opened near us last week.

Kate is babysitting today, her last babysitting gig for the summer. Joe is over at a friends and I think Jack is hanging out with Kate.

It is soo hot outside! Almost too hot for me and I love it hot. I think I'm just in school mode now and out of pool mode. Maybe tomorrow we'll go to the pool for one last hurrah.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hello. Well, we had a good day today. We met Joe's teacher. She seems very nice, I sort of want to put some fun layers in her hair, but she looks very teachery, haha, if that is such a word. I think Joe will be fine in there. We got him all situated and labled and I did not sign up to be room mom. We were there around 2:00 and no one had signed up to be room mom. Hmm, I wonder who will do it. We did not make it to parents night. It is still summer in my mind. After Joe's school, we headed over to Jack's. He was very excited to check out his locker and to see who is located around him. We found out one of the girls whom he thinks is very cute is right across the hall from him. He practiced opening his locker several times and I think he has it down. We visited all the rooms that he has classes in minus band b/c he is hopefully out of that. There is nothing wrong with band and I know music is so good for kids but being a apart of the 6th grade band at his school is too much of a commitment. They want you to volunteer during the concessions at the football games and there are concerts and such. We do not have time for that and if we are going to a game, we are going to watch the game not work it!! I doubt we'll get to make many of the the middle school games this year with Jack and Joe playing and with the freshman being so good and the varisty on Friday nights. After all of the school stuff we went to a fun consignment store and found lots of fun clothes. we will defnitely go there again! it is super hot today! i think tomorrow we might just hang at the pool.
Hi. Well, here we are the Monday before school. Today, I have to run Jack over to his school to get him out of band and to check his locker. Joe has meet the teacher at 1 and Kate wants to go shopping again. ha. love that! ugh! It is very hot outside and my hair won't do anything. I'm off to shower, will let you know how the day goes. :)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hi. We had lots of fun on Smith Lake yesterday. It is such a beautiful lake and Randy and Donna are soooooooooo generous to share their house and boat and jet ski with us! We really couldn't repay them. Here are some pictures. :)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

off to the lake!

Friday, August 1, 2008


Hi! It's Friday! Joe is still sleeping, Kate is at her friends house and Jack is at his friends. AHH, a nice quiet house. Rick is out checking out lake lots. He loves the hunt but I think we are just a little premature on this lake lot thing. My theory is, there will be lake lots available in a year when we are more financially ready to purchase one. Everything works out the way it is supposed to so I'm not even worrying about it b/c I have bigger things to worry about, like taking Kate shopping! Ugh! SOOOOOOO not fun. I should drink a couple of glasses of wine before we go. Maybe I will. haha. it would really help take the edge off. We could have lunch at the Summit somehwere that serves wine and then we could just take the shuttle around while I'm feeling tipsy and good and totally relaxed to shop with Kate. haha. Anyway, it is just a little yucky here today which you know makes me sad. :( I hope it clears up so we can go to the pool. I don't think we'll get there too much next week. Jack has a dr. apt. and we'll be getting ready for school which starts on Thurs. I told Joe's school that I would help on thurs. and Friday with the kindergarteners. They are so cute and sweet, I love helping with their lunch time. its a huge deal for them to be there and they are just little. I've been trying to create some new designs for my etsy shop. I'm excited b/c i think they're really fun and cute and different. I've had five new people "heart" me in a day so I think that is positive feedback but that doesn't pay the bills! they need to ORDER SOMETHING! Ha, faith, faith, faith. ugh! God must laugh at me b/c sometimes I just want to scream. He keeps pushing me though, here and there.

Of course I was poking around my fav. news sites this morning. Mother, remember its my blog!!! Nancy Pelosi is trying to save the planet. What $#@%? I mean really. Drilling off shore does not have to hurt the planet! Oh, I think I'd have to slap her! She says drilling off shore won't help in the short term with lowering gas prices. Okay, fine, but maybe someone should be thinking about the future! Her fear is that the dems will be blamed for the rising costs and such. I don't think she is really trying to save the planet. blah blah blah

Obama is saying that he would like the big oil companies to pay struggling families a 1,000.00. he says that would help off set the cost of their fuel for a period of time. I don't see the big oil companies saying, okay, "yes, great idea". Good luck with that one, let me know how it works out for you! Obama simply asks that big oil companies contribute a reasonable share of the windfall profits they receive from high oil prices over the next five years to pay for emergency assistance for families right now,” the campaign says.

Haha oh, its going to be a long long 3 months. Its just getting started.. Thankfully, I have my blessed life here to keep me preoccupied most of the time. Even if Obama wins, we'll still have football games and homecoming dances and homework, and hopefully my husband will still have a job!