Friday, February 15, 2008

change in plans

hi guys. well, i'm still here in my sweet little house. jill's father in law suffered a stroke yesterday so we cancelled our trip to nashville. :( i just had a weird feeling yesterday like it just wasn't going to happen even though i never would have guessed this is why. we'll reschedule and go another time.

now, on the home front. we are busy this evening. both boys have baseball tonight and kate is having friends over, so i'm sort of glad i'm here to help with all of that. today, i'm going to work around the house and work on some projects for the spring show on the 1st.

have a great day.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

oh no! I'm so sorry! I don't know Jill very well but please tell her I'll be thinking of her!