Friday, February 11, 2011

Sunny Friday!

It's Friday and it is sunny! Whoo! Everyone went to school today. Thank goodness. Kate made it to her ACT class last night. She said she really loves this class and feels confident that it will help her do well on future tests. I got a sample of lunesta from my Dr. whom I love! she is really great. Anyway, I went in for a consult about some medicine and she asked if I sleep well. I said no way, I haven't slept well in so long and taking melatonin never helped. She gave me samples of Lunesta. she said its non habit forming. I loved it! I still woke up in the middle of the night b/c Kate was working on several projects after being out of school but the difference was, I was able to go back to sleep and really sleep. I feel really good this morning! I have a chiropractor apt. at 10 and then I'm doing a little shopping.

I've taken time this week to remove myself from all the dumb unwanted emails! I am addicted to scrolling down and clicking on unsubscribe. For so long, I'd just delete but no more! haha. I was getting emails from a local sporting goods store, no one in the Leventry family plays that sport and I just gave away a couple pieces of equipment so I was quite happy to click on unsubscribe! I also unsubsribed from Saks, even though I love Saks, I never shop online with them esp. through emails, I unsubscribed from several coupon sites, I never even visited their site, and I unsubscribed from several news sites. total liberation! ha.

A year ago today, Kate and Rick went to Tennessee and picked up Owen! I can't believe he's been here a year. He was the cutest puppy and he is a very cute puggle. I have to say that I'm happy last year is behind us in more ways than one and Owen being a puppy is definitely at the top of the list. He is the sweetest dog, and we love him!

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