Friday, February 25, 2011

Fab Friday

Friday once again! I really don't have anything pressing planned today which is kind of nice. I am very ready for my sweet Joe to come home from his camp out with the 5th grade. I miss him! I organized his room last night. We sold the bunk beds in the fall and there were still things from the desk on Joe's floor. I put all of his old stuffed animals in his closet and I put all the books that were on the desk on a bookshelf in his closet. I love having the kids room's clean and organized. Jack needs to work on his and Kate's well, Kate's is Kate's. I cleaned it before Christmas and i do that for her once a year. It is back to looking like a tornado has whipped through it. Whatever. I'm not working on it until December. She can do it.  Speaking of Kate, she pulled an all nighter last night. She had an English project due this morning and she has been so busy with other projects that she didn't get to it until last night. She got it done though. I suppose those kind of nights are preparing her for college. I remember pulling those kind's of nights. Jack has his first track meet this afternoon and this one is actually at HHS. I love it when they're close! I think it is supposed to clear up and be pretty this afternoon, not super warm but at least sunny. Kate and I need to get her prom dress to the alterations shop. Spring break is in 2 weeks and the shops will be busy. I would imagine most girls have been asked by now and dresses have been bought. I'm glad we got Kate's when we did. Kate and her friends are super excited about spring break and prom. Lots to look forward to.

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