Saturday, February 26, 2011

Eleven years ago today I was in labor and didn't know it. Actually I was in labor the whole week and didn't really know it. Joe's due date was Feb. 27th and I was scheduled for induction on the 27th b/c my blood pressure was high and he was done cooking. Rick had a program that night, he was working for Eli Lilly at the time and Ellen and I took Kate and Jack to Heath and Melody's. They were staying the night there b/c Rick and I had to be at the hospital around 5 for my pit drip. Ellen and I went to Steak n Shake for dinner. I didn't eat anything but I did have an orange freeze. We went home, I started feeling kind of yucky and I put my jammies on and went to bed. I woke up at 2am with contractions. They were so weird b/c they didn't hurt that bad so I just sort of timed them. They were about every 7 min. I got up, took a shower, curled my hair, put make up, and then my water broke. I woke Rick up and told him that I was in labor and we needed to leave. I think he called my mom, why? I'm not sure. She was in the quad cities but he wanted her to know. I remember that the weather was really nice. It was warm for the end of February. I told Rick he could stop at the 24 hour Walgreens and get a magazine because I just knew it would be a long time before Joe would be here. He said, no he was fine. By the time we got to St. Francis, the contractions were every 4 min. and I was having a hard time walking through them. We got up to the baby floor and were greeted by a couple of nurses. I told them that I thought I was in labor but I wasn't sure. They showed me to the room, gave me a gown and then I thought I was going to throw up. I told the nurse before she checked me that I was probably only a 2 or so and I wanted my epidural. She said, no time for an epidural, you're 8cm, this baby is coming. They hooked me up to the heart monitor to see how Joe was doing. Every time I had a contraction, his heartrate would drop dangerously low, when the contraction was over, it would recover and be fine. The er dr. probably should have done an emergency C section but she didn't. Dr. Crane made it to the hospital and delivered Joe. Joe was born with the cord wrapped around his neck three times. Thankfully, he was fine but it was definitely scary seeing Dr. Crane unwrap the cord. What a night! He was born on his due date without the help of pit. I really wanted to go into labor on my own and I did. Yay!! He is so wonderful and such a blessing to our family.

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