Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Hi. So I volunteered in Jack's class for a little while today. Also saw Joe at lunch which was fun. I went to wal mart and bought yummy candy for tonight. I was trying to buy things that i wouldn't want to eat but that is crazy b/c i love all candy! i'll just eat it tonight and then throw it all away! i know, i'm not normal. :)

i met my friend, andrea for lunch whcih was fun and we thought too late about getting a glass of wine at this fun shop called wined down. maybe next time.

we're going up to the cul de sac at 5 for a little party before trick or treating. should be fun.


Cathy said...

looking forward to the pix of the kids all dressed uo, Most of the kids that came to our house were very cute. The bigger ones really just wanted the candy....

A Year In The Life said...

who doesn't want candy! i love it!