Sunday, December 16, 2007


Hi. Well, its here, the cold burries weather is here. Blah! I keep telling people that its okay that its been 75 degrees, it is not necessary for the temp. to be freezing to feel the Christmas spirit. Anyway, its here, its cold out and windy and gloomy. yuck! I just checked the drudge report and I think we're better off than people in Chicago and out east. Lots of snow and ice and nastiness going on out there.

Last night we went to a get together with Rick's team. They're all such nice people and we had a wonderful time. I love it when we can go to a party and be home in bed asleep by 11:15pm. lol. kate babysat last night and her people came home early which was nice for her. all the kids are still sleeping. Jack has two birthday parties today. I'm just going to be doing the same old stuff i always do around here. This week coming up is going to be crazy busy! Should be fun though. Have a great day!


Jayne said...

its time to bundle up!!!! love the pics!!

SHORTKIDS3 said...

ooops i forgot jayne signed on that comment was from me..oops