Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A Good Day.

Hi. I had a good day at preschool today. It seems the playschool hall is a buzz with Christmas spirit. The children were running around my room singing jingle bells and rudolph the red nosed reindeer. It was sweet and it did warm up nicely so we were able to play outside. I did however run into a little snag this morning as I was trying to start my car. I''ve known the battery was on the way out the door so it wasn't a huge surpise when it didn't turn over this morning. Thankfully, we have the handy dandy huge dodge white with with camo accents 4x4. Oh yea, I got to drive the compensator to work today. It had plenty of gas in it and I got several looks from guys in trucks as I was going down southshades crest. Anyway, I was happy that I didn't have an issue with getting to preschool on time this morning. Rick is going to change my battery in the suburban today. I think he was worried that I'd love driving the truck so much that I'd take it over but no thanks, it is really and truly a truck and I prefer my cushy, suburban with the booty warmers and nice drive.

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