Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Heading to work this morning. I get to see the big babies. yay!! Just finished 30 min. of lower body yoga. I'm hungry and I do not need to be eating. I had a yummy bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and cinnamon with some coconut oil. Did you know that coconut oil is a medium fat chain and you do not store it as fat but your body uses it as energy?? It is so good for you! Also, a tsp of cinnamon has as many antioxidents as a half cup of blueberries! The sun is shining and that makes me happy! Just learned the breakfast for Jack's hall has been post poned until the beginning of April. Thank goodness b/c I didn't really need to be doing that on Thurs. Today is fat Tues, tomorrow is Ash WEd. I'm thinking about Lent and what it all means. Lots to think about.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

you are so the wealth of health information my dear child! you really should be a dietion or nutrionist or something on order of things!