Friday, April 4, 2008

well, just got back from the dr. with jack. the school called and said that he was hit hard in the nose with a plastic bat in pe and he was in the office. i got in there and i was like oh my gosh! he was green! he was lying on the table in the nurses office and he had blood all over his clothes. poor guy. anyway, the nurse called the pediatrician's office and we got in right away. his nose isn't broken just heavily bruised. he is home now, hungry and lying down. he couldn't walk out of the school b/c he felt like he was going throw up so he got to be pushed outside in the wheel chair. major drama!


Valerie said...

OMG!! Poor little guy!! I hope everything's all right!

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Crazy Friday in the Lev's house hold! I love all the ideas you have for the gardens and your sunroom!