Thursday, August 25, 2011

Things are moving in the right direction these days! Love that so very much!! Today is ESPN day at Hoover. How cool is that? Kate was just excited to wear a grubby Ole Miss tshirt. She really doesn't care about any of the football hype but I think its kind of fun. We never had anything like this at Bergan or Spalding. I wonder if the Chicago schools do. Probably. I have my first meeting today at the playschool... yay!! Can't wait to see everyone. Kara has done a lot this summer to get things organized. I think its going to be a great year. :) Vonnie and I have almost a full baby room which has never happened but most of our babies will be at least crawling so that will make things a little easier. One year we had 4 babies that weren't sitting up. lol. Its funny looking back on it now but it really wasn't funny then. Got my hair done yesterday. I love Alicia! She is so great and I'm happy I'm back at her salon. She was telling me this crazy girl came in on Sat. to get her hair done for her engagement party. Alicia got her b/c she had the time. She said it was awful, the girl was so bitchy and mean and nothing was right. blah blah blah. So sad b/c Alicia is awesome and one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. I told her to just forget her that she was all done with her and she'll never have to see her bitchy face again...Also told her that unfortunately there are nasty people in the world and occasionally we have to deal with them. It doesn't matter if its mama drama, work related or Mrs. Joe Schmoe next to you in the Target line. BEst thing to do is smile and say, I"m all done with you. Bye...

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