Friday, August 26, 2011


WElp, here we are... Friday! Whooo. My favorite day of the week. I love this day more than Saturday. I love this day b/c I don't have to work today and I can go shopping albeit it is just groceries but still, its shopping and I can just putts around. All Leventry children are off to school. Kate has the best schedule ever! The child is out at 12:30. She does have a zero period but she doesn't seem to mind. She was sleepy this morning though. This weekend is Maddie's bday weekend. Poor child is the last to turn 17 in their class but I know they'll have fun celebrating. Kate helped Maddie clean for the get together and then she met Alex half way and she and Alex had dinner together and cleaned Lola's bowl. Kate said Lola is much happier now that she has clean water. I'm surprised Lola is still alive. Jack was able to go to the driving range with Seth the past couple of evenings. He loves hitting the golf ball. I"m happy he's found something he really likes and especially something he can do as he gets old! Lot's of business goes down on the golf course so its good to know how to play. I'm also glad that he and Seth have become friends again. I think they've turned a corner in their lives where they're not always competing with each other and they can kind of accept one another for who they are. yay!! Ahh and my Joe Joe. he had practice last night. Coach is practicing him as wide receiver. He did a great job catching the ball and he seems to like it. He is super fast so this might be a good position for him although it'll be different when there are defenders out there. He is really enjoying this team and I noticed yesterday that when I said "joe time for practice" he didn't moan and groan as he has done in years past. I think him being older is helpful too. I did spin yesterday and I ran 3 miles at the ball park last night. I've noticed that my workouts aren't as hard as they used to be so I'm not sure if that is good or bad. I can do the whole bootcamp with out dying and spin too. Im not telling Tatum or Terri that b/c they'll add like a million more pushups or something. I think a 100 in a work out is enough. But now I'm wondering if I should be adding some weights?? Maybe I just need to do my yoga more too. Ohh and yesterday was our playschool meeting. whoo!! so fun. Love seeing everyone and I think we have an awesome set of teachers! I'm so excited to meet my 2's and babies. I really can't wait to get in there and play and make lots of fun things and see the kids grow. Our program is top notch and chock full of kids! yay yay yay! I'm thankful to have such a great job. Rick was talking to one of his peeps yesterday and there is talk of realignment blah blah blah....there is always talk of something like this. That doesn't mean cutting jobs it just means shifting things around. It could mean cutting but not necessarily. Its always a little unsettling when uppermanagement does this stuf but I know everything will be fine and work out for the best. Rick's team is still tracking for Maui in May and he is an awesome manager. I told him if they layed him off for some crazy reason, we'll take the severence and run...He is so marketable he'd have a new job in a week! I love being his cheerleader! Tomorrow is the big ESPN game! Whoo. So excited to see the seniors play. I know they're pumped up and nervous. It's going to be a tough game. South Panola is really really good and they'll be here to win. Hopefully, the Bucs will play to win too. Kate will not be able to go to the game b/c she has to work..But she won't be working much longer. I went with her the other day just for support when she turned her notice in to Wrapsody. She talked to the managers herself, I was just there. She has truly enjoyed her time there and she loves the people she has worked with. The connections she has made are fabulous but senior year is a big year and I told her she isn't going to miss anything else. She doesn't have to work, she wanted to work. But enough. She still has several belle's hours to complete and there will be lots of football games here in Hoover and Tuscaloos and soccer games that Alex will be playing in. Also with Rick's mom going through treament again, Kate really needs to be at every holiday event.  She has her whole life to work, senior year isn't a year for working! I'm excited about the big grad party in May. Plans are already being made. I know its early but I think this event takes a lot of planning and I know the kids really love it. The seniors from 2 years ago had an awesome party. I know this class will too!

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