Thursday, August 4, 2011

So it's been super hot and sunny this whole week and I was really wanting to go to the pool and float on my new float thingy but I was too busy. I thought we'll, I'll go Thursday. Nope, its cloudy and yucky outside so no floating for me today. I did go to spin this morning, had a good workout. Jack had a good gofl camp and I'm firing some new pieces in the kiln as I type this. Kate is at Maddie's and the kids are soaking up the last bit of summer vacation. This time next week, we'll know what hall Joe is on and who is with him. He is excited to know! I am too!!

So, I was looking closely in the mirror this morning and noticed I needed to wax my eyebrows again. Ugh, annoying and I noticed a couple of little hairs on my chin. really? super annoying!! What is up with that?  I know I'm not alone in this but still. Getting older is quite the maintenance process. My ob/gyn told me on Tues at my apt. that I'm doing great with my bootcamp and lifting weights. He said all of this will really pay off when I go through menopause....gag! I will totally freak out if and when I get pudge around my mid section. I've always had to work on burning calories to keep my legs from gaining, they're my problem spot. I'm good with my tummy but I can see where it could be an issue. It's really not fair that women need to change so much. I've been reading a lot of estrogen blockers and bioidenticle hormones. I'm in the early stages of this report but I cannot imagine myself just dealing with it. Ugh! Scares me!!!

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