Friday, August 19, 2011

It's Fri. and I'm happy! Not that I will be sleeping in this weekend b/c tomorrow is 8am bootcamp. (omg) and Sunday I'm working in the nursery but I love Fridays, it is my favorite day of the week! The kids have had a wonderful week. I'm so happy. My two bucs have homecoming dates. Kate asked Alex last night. She and Maddie picked out a super cute fish. The whole theme was how he is the only fish in the sea for Kate and will he go to hc with her? It was cute and he said yes. Now, he'll most likely get some razzing from his new college buds but hopefully he can take it. Kate named the fish lola. haha. I just hoped it survived the trip in Maddie's tahoe to Montevallo! Joe had a great practice last night. I didn't get to go as I was working at the playschool but he said he was doing great as corner! That was what Preston played and I think that is a good position for him. We'll see. He just said he is so sore from last night. Hoover had their jamboree last night. They won! Yay Go Bucs. We're hoping for a great year for the seniors! Today is busy, I have a bama ornament order to rush, Ralph is going to the groomers,spin this afternoon, dinner with shulas and then bed! its all good!!

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