Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Successful day yesterday for the first day of school. My two bucs and baby buc all did great! Kate was home at 1 due to her early release on her schedule. How cool is that? I would have loved that! Jack had a good day and he had to maneuver the new Hoover Hall. Joe loved his day. He saw all his friends and enjoyed his teachers. We'll see what today brings, hopefully it'll be all good!! Went to bc yesterday, took Joe to practice and ran 3 miles then came home grilled chicken, cleaned the kitchen and went to bed. I was exhausted! Teresa comes today!! She will be very impressed with my organized pantry. I'm hoping to get in the laundry room next and get it organized as well. We've been blessed with some lovely weather the past two days. There is a tiny bit of fall in the air and football season is just around the corner! Good times!

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