Sunday, November 4, 2007

Hi. We made it to church this morning and in the foyer, the little Christmas trees were up and it we got to pick an angel and a star. The kids just love this and it is nice to buy for someone who really needs something. We picked a little girl who would like a new outfit and an older man who asked for new sheets. I wish we could have picked ten more, but I've learned that two is good for us.

I just have a little bone to pick here with people who get annoyed at people who arrive a little late to mass. I just don't get it. I mean, we are all there to be quiet in our hearts, have a nice moment in prayer, learn something new, be aware of our fellow parishioners and be kind to them. So, when the lady in front of me gave an annoyed look at this sweet family that came in and asked if they could sit down in the pew by her, I just wanted to punch her in the face! Seriously, she doesn't own the pew and God is just happy that the family made it there, the family just happened to be one of my little two's ( russell) but still, even if I didn't know them, I'd still want to punch that not so sweet in her heart lady for being rude!They were out in the foyer picking an angel and a star off the trees and even if they weren't She should have been like, yes, sit down! I'm so happy you're here to worship with us. Ugh! annoying. No wonder Catholics get a bad wrap. Just move your booty down the pew dammit. :)

So, Rick went back to pick up the boys from sunday school. kate went to church with us earlier and she went to sunday school and then she is staying for church again with her friend, maggie and then she is going to maggie's house until we pick her up to go to jack's big play off game. i still have to get busy and make some signs for the game. i really need to locate my iron and clean this house but i don't want to clean!


Cathy said...

no one owns the pews. I agree, move down. weddings are different first one there gets the end seat. sounds like a busy weekend..sometimes I wish that I had days to just do whatever I wanted to do.
It is nice outside, breezy and brisk. the leaves finally have some color, they are very pretty. I can't believe that it is november and still hasn't frosted. Christmas is just around the corner Oh my!

Unknown said...

i know, weddings are totally different. you get there to see the bride. mass on sunday is for everyone, move on down sista!

Valerie said...

uh oh!!! Tracy!! You said dammit again! :-)

Unknown said...

DAd! What did you say? lol