Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Hello. Just a quick post before I get started with my day. Not much to write about. Looks like the sun is shining but I think its going to be hot today. Kate's pink ladies spirit day outfit was a bust, it didn't work. tomorrow is camo day so hopefully that won will work. Today is preschool, and kate has dancing which means the boys and i will spend some time at the library this evening. Have a good day.;)


Cathy said...

send some pix of her outfits, I'm sorry her pink ladies outfit didnt work what happened with it. camo day should be easier let me know!

SHORTKIDS3 said...

love the pik ladies...too bad it didnt work...bummer

Unknown said...

i know, what a bummer. she is crazy. she spent all that time energy and even money on it and she didn't like it. so 13! haha.