Friday, August 1, 2008


Hi! It's Friday! Joe is still sleeping, Kate is at her friends house and Jack is at his friends. AHH, a nice quiet house. Rick is out checking out lake lots. He loves the hunt but I think we are just a little premature on this lake lot thing. My theory is, there will be lake lots available in a year when we are more financially ready to purchase one. Everything works out the way it is supposed to so I'm not even worrying about it b/c I have bigger things to worry about, like taking Kate shopping! Ugh! SOOOOOOO not fun. I should drink a couple of glasses of wine before we go. Maybe I will. haha. it would really help take the edge off. We could have lunch at the Summit somehwere that serves wine and then we could just take the shuttle around while I'm feeling tipsy and good and totally relaxed to shop with Kate. haha. Anyway, it is just a little yucky here today which you know makes me sad. :( I hope it clears up so we can go to the pool. I don't think we'll get there too much next week. Jack has a dr. apt. and we'll be getting ready for school which starts on Thurs. I told Joe's school that I would help on thurs. and Friday with the kindergarteners. They are so cute and sweet, I love helping with their lunch time. its a huge deal for them to be there and they are just little. I've been trying to create some new designs for my etsy shop. I'm excited b/c i think they're really fun and cute and different. I've had five new people "heart" me in a day so I think that is positive feedback but that doesn't pay the bills! they need to ORDER SOMETHING! Ha, faith, faith, faith. ugh! God must laugh at me b/c sometimes I just want to scream. He keeps pushing me though, here and there.

Of course I was poking around my fav. news sites this morning. Mother, remember its my blog!!! Nancy Pelosi is trying to save the planet. What $#@%? I mean really. Drilling off shore does not have to hurt the planet! Oh, I think I'd have to slap her! She says drilling off shore won't help in the short term with lowering gas prices. Okay, fine, but maybe someone should be thinking about the future! Her fear is that the dems will be blamed for the rising costs and such. I don't think she is really trying to save the planet. blah blah blah

Obama is saying that he would like the big oil companies to pay struggling families a 1,000.00. he says that would help off set the cost of their fuel for a period of time. I don't see the big oil companies saying, okay, "yes, great idea". Good luck with that one, let me know how it works out for you! Obama simply asks that big oil companies contribute a reasonable share of the windfall profits they receive from high oil prices over the next five years to pay for emergency assistance for families right now,” the campaign says.

Haha oh, its going to be a long long 3 months. Its just getting started.. Thankfully, I have my blessed life here to keep me preoccupied most of the time. Even if Obama wins, we'll still have football games and homecoming dances and homework, and hopefully my husband will still have a job!


Valerie said...

There's been a lot of violent crime in and around B'ham the last couple of weeks: shootings in parks, homocides, bodies found in a freezer and a head found on a greyhound bus. craziness. I get the NBC13 RSS feeds on my computer and it's been bizarre.

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Oh sure Obama that sounds like a great idea! While you are at it why don't you ask the retail conglomerates(sp) to help pay with school.....what a crock!
Have fun shopping, I can vividly remember shopping with my mother during this time and it sucked!!!

Valerie said...

OMG! The girls & I are going shopping Saturday while Chris is in ATL for a lax something-or-other (I've totally given up at this poin!). To paraphrase Shawn "It's totally gonna suck!"