Thursday, August 7, 2008

But the question of whether Obama could forever retain his Teflon coating and stifle concerns about serious weaknesses in his record and character has been answered. The answer we have learned, from liberal pundits no less, is a resounding “no.”

I found this on line today from Jennifer Rubin's blog. This article is about how the liberal pundits are starting to doubt Obama. Finally, the veil is lifted!


Valerie said...

I've always thought the media has totally been in love w/ Obama ala JFK -- smart, young, attractive, nice little family, "fresh ideas" etc. The press has treated Obama w/ kid gloves. McCain's gotten a raw deal media-wise.

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

I have noticed how easily he looses control of the crowds he speaks in front of. Have you noticed that?? As a president you have to be ready for that and he lets it disrupt him...I feel a rant coming on ;)