Monday, August 25, 2008

HI! Well, just to let my friends who are not local that it has been raining torentially all day and most of the weekend. I was so happy to have some where to go this morning. I had to be at preschool for our cpr and first aid class. It was fun seeing the girls there, I definitely missed the girls who aren't returning. It just wasn't the same in the hall with out them. I do think Kara is going to be a wonderful director and my room is going to be fun! Tomorrow, I'm going to decorate my door and set the books up and all the fun stuff. Wed. I will be in the baby room meeting our babies and the parents. Thurs is my day to meet my two year olds. I'm so ready to get back to work. :)

Well, Hoover is hopping with homecoming dress shopping and boys asking girls to homecoming and boys wanting to ask girls but mama's saying they can't ask the girl. haha. Oh my goodness it has been quite an experience with homecoming. My skin is a little thicker these days which is probably good thing. I must say that I am sort of ready for it to be here and be done. I know that is just horrible to say but I can't take any more drama. Kate and I found a really pretty dress yesterday. We ended up buying it b/c it is perfect on her and she has a tricky little figure. She can't just walk into anything. Anyway, it is perfect and she officially has a date. let me just tell ya, its been crazy!

Tonight is the start of DNC. I don't know if I'll tune in. Maybe, maybe not. Probably not. I'm so over looking at Michelle Obama's face I don't think I can see it anymore.

I hope you have a great night and it isn't raining where you are. :)


Valerie said...

I didn't realize you were going to be working 4 days/week! You know y'all can call me to sub!

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Ah hem.....I will also sub ;0)!!!!! I am going to miss you guys so much this year!!!!! ;(

Valerie said...

We'll just need to plan some early friday afternoon lunch dates to accomodate everyone's schedule! Margaret is so PUMPED -- this is her last year of pre-school! She's had a kid @ POP since I've known her (actually, we didn't meet until the girls were in the 18mo. room but I think the Magster was in Mrs. Mary's room @ 6 mo.) Like the year 2000 or something!