Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hi! Can I just tell you it rained and rained and rained yesterday even last night! It is so soggy outside but very green and sort of jungly. I really need to work in my garden by my deck but the grass is sort of tall and I'm a little worried about snakes being in there. i think i'll just wait til it frosts and work on it in the winter.

We watched more of the olympics last night. Man is Michael Phelps amazing or what? Wow! He is awesome. Rick and I let the boys stay up and watch him swim last night. I think its worth it for them to see special things during the Olympics.

Kate is back to school. She asked this morning if she can go to youth group tonight. What is wrong with her? Seriously! NO, she can't go. The dr. told her go to school, come home, rest, do your homework and go to bed!

I need to get out and walk this morning!! I'm posting a picture of Jack and his friends studying on the back porch yesterday. He organized the study session himself!


Cathy said...

yeah Jack, that is an Olympic thing to do!

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

study group so cute!!! I hate snakes too, and we'll use that as my reason not to garden too ;)!