Wednesday, August 20, 2008

HI! Just got in from my walk, I was thinking that I really like walking around 9am but in a couple of weeks that is going to change b/c of preschool. I'm either going to have to get up super early and walk or do it when i get home. I'm not so great at super early b/c it is usually dark and i don't like walking by myself in the dark.

We've been busy around here with football and other various activities. I think Kate's boyfriend is going to ask her to homecoming soon. He was sooooooo sweet this morning. He asked me if it is okay if he asks her to homecoming. How sweet is that???? I'm such a romantic , i'm happy to see that chivalry still exits.. There is just something so sweet about southern boys and how respectful they are to moms. :) Awww. Anyway, I will for sure let you know when it is official. How fun to pick out a dress and shoes and everything!

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