Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just thinking:

In last night's homily, Fr. MCD compared the predjudice views the disciples held against the cannanite woman to the predjudice views that we have toward the hispanics today in our city, state and country. I am not predjucide against someone because of race, religion, or beliefs. I might not always agree with their views but I think everyone should be allowed to have the same opportunities for which they can go after and acheieve great things. This is where I have issues. Don't break the rules. All I ask of the hispanics or anyone else that comes in to our wonderful country, go through the hoops, be legal, pay your taxes, don't be a drain. I don't think Jesus wanted peole to not live honestly and living here and working here under someone else's ss # is not living honestly. That my friend is not being predjudice, it is being fair. I know that Fr. MCD leans way to the left when it comes to issues and I usually enjoy his homilies but I thought last night's was just a little too vauge. I wanted to raise my hand and say, okay, why can't they just do it right. It's not fair to the rest of us who have to pick up the slack b/c they live under the radar. I just feel so strongly about this issue.


Valerie said...

totally agree about immigration. any nationality, any race, any religion. if you move to another country and expect to rec'v it's benefits, you should be prepared to be a citizen legally.

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Here Here!!!! I have to follow the rules and so should everyone else!!!

Unknown said...

i am with you all