Friday, August 29, 2008

Hey Everyone!

I've been so bad about posting lately. Please don't give up on me. This time last week, I was dealing with major drama. I'm happy to report that the dust has settled and all is well at our home at least as I'm typing this.

Yesterday was meet the teacher for my two's parents and children. I'm going to have a great class. I'm so excited! four girls and two boys. I like this set up b/c the year I had four boys and two girls, it was horrible. I'd much rather deal with all the girl drama and bossiness than the boys being crazy wild. My room looks so cute and I've set up all my fav. books and I'm copying cds now so I'll have my own music. rick is buying me a new camera so I will be able to take pics. My awesome little sony snap shot was ruined a couple of weeks ago due to a coffee spill in my bag. oops. :( Anyway, I've become so used to having a camera at my fingertips that I'm sort of going through withdrawls.

I'm so glad I have my little preschool job. I know it isn't a new job for me but I think this year, I'm looking at it from a different perspective. It is really a good thing for me to get away from my house, my computer and the drama that is contained there. lol. If I didn't have any where else to go and put my energy into, I think I'd go crazy.

With that being said, not sure if I told you but Kate has a date to homecoming. His name is Ryan and he is a sophomore. Her dress is so pretty and perfect for her figure. I think her group is going to be a lot of fun. The way homecoming works here is the kids all come to the game after their dinners. It is so fun for the moms to see the kids esp. the girls in their dresses. Kate was saying last night that she and her friend Maddie don't want to come to the game b/c they will get all sweaty and yucky. I was freaking out, I told her she had to go to the game, we'd just give her botox so she won't sweat. okay, just kidding on the botox but seriously, that is the fun part for the parents, other wise we don't get to see anything. She informed me that they only stay at the dance for 10 min for pics and then they're off to the after party. lol. Like I never went to homecoming.

Tonight is the first Hoover home game. It is nice outside so I think we are going tailgate with friends and have dinner there so we will be there and we can socialize. With Jack being in the middle school, he'll have new friends to see. Joe will probably hook up with his baseball buddies from the other schools along with his buds from his school. All the little boys play football on the hill, its cute.

Guess that is about all. I'm not talking about the DNC. I'm just glad its over and I don't like any of them. Whats up with Oprah crying her eyelashes off? Seriously. get a grip woman.

Gotta Run

love ya.


Valerie said...

What's the theme in your room this year? I liked last year's popcorn theme! Too cute!

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

I did like your door, I didn't peek into your room. I agree about the DNC I am SO SO SO glad it is over, I call it oozing crap! Sorry about all the drama, makes me so happy my kids are still so young :)!!! Have a great day.

Cathy said...

Love the dress, it is so pretty and so perfect for Kate. didn't watch any of the dnc, couldn't bear it. I think they cried because of him being the first black person to be nominated. It is kind of amazing, enough of that