Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just look at the picture of my sweet Joe. He was so excited to catch that ball. Rick said to his coach, "good luck prying that ball from his hands." coach said, "that catch just made my season!" yay joe He has a game this evening at 7 which is fine b/c he can get his homework done and then we can head to the ball park. Last night the consession stands weren't open b/c it wasn't a game night even though we were playing a game. the siblings of the players were all bummed out. Its funny how we get used to certain things at these games. i usually get a diet coke b/c i love the ice there but not last night.

Today is hat day at school. Each child that wears a hat had to bring a dollar to donate for a fund for a child in the school who is suffering from cancer. As long as they pay their dollar they get to wear the hat. joe brought 2.00 b/c he wants to switch hats. I sent my money for the little school supply pack fundraiser thingy. I love that joe's supplies for next year are purchased! yippee. i think jack's is due next week. last year, i was out of town and rick did a great job purchasing the kids supplies but it is just so nice to have it all shrink wrapped and ready to go. when we lived in Indy, the boy scout troop at kate's school sold supplies as a fund raiser and it was so nice. Anyway, enough about that.

today is preschool. it is gorgeous out right now so guess what? we're going outside! i've sort of checked out for the year. of course i still love my little twos but it is so pretty outside that i just want to be out. also, i love that the kids go home all worn out and ready for a good nap. i'm sure their mama's love it too.

i guess thats about it. 43 days til the beach. yay! i've had dreams about the beach recently. we're going to have fun and hopefully, i'll get a good pic like last years and i will be able to put it up on our blog. if not, then this one is staying. lol. i think that picture will be our christmas pic every year for the next 50 years. ha, that would be sort of funny.

okay, have a great day.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Crap! I forgot all about the school supply order form!
I'll send the teacher an e-mail; hope PTO will accept my order a day late!
Tell Joe we're so proud of him! Isn't it great when your kid makes an awesome play?