Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hi everyone. Today is rainy and cloudy and definitely not a pretty summer day. Oh well, I'm over it. I actually cleaned my laundry room and threw away sooooo much junk! I pulled some weeds in my garden, it still looks bad. We did order our new bedroom furniture! Yay! Rick and I are actually both really excited about it. We've never had a really grown up bedroom set and I guess its about time! So, I'm getting ready to go through our tv armoire and clean it out. We are moving that into the family room where Kate's white primitve dresser is. Kate's antique repoduction will be moved into the kitchen and we will move the little blk/pine cabinet thing somewhere else. I have no idea where. How fun to get real furniture. Here is a picture of our set. It will be here in a couple of weeks. :) We didn't get the mirror b/c we are going to put a flat screen on the wall and we didn't get the armoire, instead we bought the chest of drawers.


Valerie said...

Luv, Luv, Luv the new bedroom furniture! Chris will be so jealous!! He bugs me all the time to get rid of the mirror over my dresser and put a flat screen. I guess we could since I really don't use that mirror. I seem to use my bathroom mirror and the full length mirror more. My friend Kelley and her husband Chris put a flat screen in their new house in Ross Bridge. Looks cool!

Valerie said...

We are in desperate need of a new comforter set. Buddy-love chewed the heck out of all the corners, he ate some of the pillows, etc. We also need a new couch. He used to sit on the back and gnaw on the cording on the cushions.

Funny about cleaning out the laundry room. Today I'm putting back all our creams/lotions/crapola under the bathroom sinks now that everything's finished (countertops, faucets, etc.). My husband had vitamins that expired in 1991!!! He also had a bottle of Echincea that expired 2002. GROSSSSS!!! EEEEEWWWW!! I'll bet you a $100 in a week or so he'll say, "hey Val, have you seen my bottle of ....."