Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hi. Okay, so today has been a good day. I worked on my cross order today, mailed crosses to my sister, went to wal mart and bought a new car charger for my phone. I took the boys to the pool and we were there maybe, a half an hour and they had to close the pool for an hour and a half b/c they needed to work on the chemicals. Soooo, I packed everyone up and came back home. I'm happy that we only live about 2 miles from the pool, that makes for easy comings and goings. I really need to get my booty outside and walk but I'm really procrastinating and not doing it. I'm going to though! I hope all of your pools didn't have to close today. :(


Cathy said...

sounds like summer is off and running, I'm happy that your pool is close to your house. How many days till the beach, I'm ready

Valerie said...

so which pool did y'all end up joining?

Valerie said...
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Valerie said...

You know how sometimes they say women who work together are often on the same "cycle" together? Well, you & I are on the same page alot and it's creepy. Re: phone chargers. This morning I tore the house apart looking for my cell phone charger. I finally gave up and called T to see if she knew where it was. She said, "Mom. you don't have a wall charger. you took the car charger instead." Ooops. My bad.