Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hi! It's another beeootiful day here! Whoo hoo. I really need to walk now b/c it is so nice outside. I was just poking around some news sites and saw that Brett Favre is saying he retired too early. What? Seriously? How old is he? I mean, he has to have enough cash for 50 life times. Move on, and do something else, I'm sure his body will thank him.

Guess that's about all I have to say. Oh, one more thing. It looks like the election is heating up, not that it wasn't hot enough but McCain is making some serious progress in the polls. I need to locate a McCain sticker for my 'burb.

Have a great day.


Cathy said...

tracy, the politico! I love it! who said that you didn't have a mind of your own and just kind of followed the crowd? Go Tracy!

Unknown said...

haha! you know it!! i do have my own ideas and some are pretty strong. lol

Unknown said...

hay. hay, hay, go big john.