Thursday, July 24, 2008


I'm not quite sure where to start this post. Hmm. I think I'll start with last night. It was around 10:30pm and I was asleep. Rick came in and turned the light on, check book in hand, asking me questions about things that I've debited. Now, keep in mind that I really don't buy frivolous things. I mean, yes, the quizno lunch was a bit expensive and Kate's little shopping trip to the Summit was a little pricey but she paid for some of it and she is paying us 70.00 on Tues when she babysits. He was totally freaking out. I just closed my eyes and told him to turn the light off. Now, I was just putting off the inevitible. I knew that he would start off in the morning on the same topic. This week has been expensive. The boys had football camp, never cheap in Hoover, Joe had registration and today was Kate's registration. All of that plus the Summit and gas and food and everything else just about put him over the edge. Imagine my sweet funny Rick contemplating selling his truck b/c he was just freaking out. He does this every August. School time is worse than Christmas around here. I just put my ipod on and the ear buds in my ear and went on with my business b/c there wasn't anything I could say to make him feel better. Its just the way it is. Every year! Next week is Jack's registration and that will be around 200.00 too. I love Hoover, love love love it but it does expect a lot of it's citizenzs. I don't really think everyone that goes to Hoover schools can just plop down 200/child for registration. I know it doesn't compare to private schools but we aren't talking private schools. I haven't checked out other public school fees. They might be as much, I don't know. Thinking about what I paid for Kate, I guess, 60.00 went to the activity card which will get her in to every possible event at Hoover and 55.00 went to the enormous year book they put out so that is over half of the fees. It isn't mandatory that those be purchased. I think we live in a bubble here, which I love and I don't plan on moving any time soon. So I'm done complaining.

Okay, I have another thing to put out here. This year at registration we had to prove that we are residents of Hoover. Ok, no problem, I am and that is fine. The requirement for kids to go to school in our system is very straight forward. The child's parent/guardian must be on the recorded deed and the power bill from the last two months. I think its great, do not let anyone sneak into our schools, we pay taxes for these institutions! It is very common for the hispanic community and other poorer communities to live in apartments or houses with multi families. The only children allowed to go to the schools are the ones that have their parent/guradian on the paperwork. I have a couple of friends who wondered about the really poor families that live together. What happens to the children who do not have a parent/guardian on the paperwork? I don't know. I guess it is not enough to live here to be able to go to school. I don't usually see things blk/wht. I'm always the one who is like, well, okay, I see both ways but with this one, I just don't. Stop mooching off us! Just stop. I'm done with it! Life is expensive for all of us, and I'm tired of people mooching! I'm sure if there are special situations, the board takes those into consideration.

Soo, this leads me to my last thing to write about. Why the @#$%^ is Obama in freakin Germany? I'm so over this candidate I could scream! Seriously. He is so fake, I think I want to slap his smile off his face! The dog and pony show must come to an end before we all get sick! The media is whooped and the honeymoon is almost over , I can feel it! Sooo Annoying

remember its my blog and i can say what i want. :)


Valerie said...

I totally see your point on the residence requirements. I know there are many, many students in our school district who have 1 parent w/ legal custody but in actuality is being raised by an aunt or grandparent. What happens to them? What happens to all the teachers and bus drivers who don't live in our school district but send their kids to our schools?

I realize we pay next to nothing compared to our private school friends but that's their choice. I do think, however, our "Free" education here is a joke. I cheered for varisity for 4 years, Chris played lax, hockey & football for 4 years in high school and our parents never had to buy us anything except our yearbooks. Maybe the cheerleaders had a little fund-raiser here or there; nothing major. If you were in the band, AP classes, shop clsses, business classes or remedial math and English, it didn't matter. It didn't cost a thing. I will never forget when I moved here and went to the elementary school to register T and the secretary handed me a school supply list. I swear I must have looked at her like she had 5 heads. I distinctly remember asking her, "what is this for?" (and, what is the $25 "classroom donation fee" check I just wrote you???). Tissues? Ziploc baggies? Paper towels? Germ-x? 10 freakin' glue sticks? Is someone actually going to count and make sure I brought in 10 freakin' glue sticks???? You mean to tell me if my child sneezes, she won't have a tissue to blow her nose???? I remember coming home, calling Chris at work and saying, "OMG!!! You moved me to Bumblef**k, Alabama!!!!"

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Whew, life is sure expensive much more than when we were all in school. But I do remember having to ask for $ for this and that at School, club fees, yearbooks, class rings, uniform fees, etc....Makes you want to home school ;)!!!! Obama, he is the boil on the butt of humanity these days....he makes me sick! There is just something about him that makes me so uneasy. Just can't put my finger on it, and it is more than just a poltition vibe...and he didn't even visit the troops that were injured b/c he said that was not what his trip was for.....HUH!

Cathy said...

it is all relative, money and expenses. I remember everything being expensive when you were all in school, and wondering how in the world we were going to pay for it. we you will

obama enough already