Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hello. Happy Sunday. Ha, you all know Sunday is my least favorite day of the week. blah! Anyway, I just got in from my walk, I only did a couple of miles b/c it is really hot and I just didn't feel like walking up our huge hill, big bertha! So, I'm here writing to y'all. :) RIck and Jack are golfing. I think they had a tee time for 8:45 or close to there. I hope they're having fun. Our dinner last night was sooo yummy. We went to Ocean's which is a really fun and hip restaurant in a fun and hip part of town. I felt so movie starish. lol. I ordered the tuna and it was FABULOUS! I'm actually craving it right now. we had sushi and shrimp and fried green tomatoes for apps. It was so good. Not sure whats happening today. I was thinking maybe pool, but we'll see. I don't know. I'd like to get to church at 5 tonight. We have not been very good about going this summer. :( I know, Jesus loves us all the time and his sacrifices go all year long, not just in the fall and winter, thank God! Hopefully we'll get there tonight.

ps. i was reading about sunscreen yesterday and guess what? ha, this really makes me mad. there are ingredients in there that not good for our skin and may potentially cause more skin cancer. ugh! annoying! The following is a list of ingredients to be aware of
and avoid:
Octyl Methoxycinnamate
4 Methyl-benzylidene camphor (4-MBC)


Cathy said...

my little pharmacist! I have been using the sunless tan stuff is it sinless?

Unknown said...

i love the sunless stuff but i also love going to the pool! maybe ignorance really is bliss!

Candice said...

We haven't made it to church much this summer either. I told hubby that we need to go but he just rolled over in bed and didn't say anything. Anyway, I will need to look over the ingredients of our sunscreen. In my opinion, everything we use has some potential of causing cancer. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last year and she was recently cleared. She was really excited.

Valerie said...

so glad you had a good time @ Ocean. We've never been there but I do love hanging out at 5 points / southside. So fun! Much more fun w/out the kids, too!