Sunday, April 10, 2011


I feel like I'm really rushing spring.. I keep forgetting it is only April 10th. We have two oak trees out front that don't have leaves yet and I was getting mad at them! I thought, come on guys, I'm ready for you to be big and blooming but it isn't time yet. Soon, I know soon, they will get there. I such a June girl. I get frustrated with the time it takes to get there. I noticed today I must have kicked up some seeds in the cutting garden b/c I have some zinnia seedlings. Not sure how good they'll do as I have the weed liner down. I'm just letting them to, they'll probably find a way to grow. I took some pictures this afternoon just to document. I realize everything looks rather pitiful. We haven't stainded the deck yet. I'm waiting for the pollen to cease and the area under the deck is being prepped for a patio and I'm still trying to figure out what to plant out front. I'm leaning towards knock out roses against the house. The crepe myrtle was actually trimmed right this year and is doing awesome! I can't wait to see what it ends up looking like. I was going through really old country living gardener magazines the other day, I mean, back to 1994. I love them. You know what is so weird is that there are no websites listed. Ha. Crazy!!! I can't imagine not being able to go to a site and look something up.

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