Friday, April 22, 2011

Busy Week

This week has kind of gotten away from me. It was a good week, filled with thunderstorms, birthdays, festivals and work. Lauren turned 23 on the 21st. Wow! I cannot believe she is 23. It seems like yesterday she was born. What a night that was. Went to the hospital at 8:30, she was born at 3:28 am. Not bad for the first baby. She weighed 7lbs 15oz and she was 21" long. The biggest baby I ever delivered! She certainly is amazing and has blessed this earth with her sweet heart. We both know how fortunate we are to know each other and not only know each other but have a place in each others lives. Fr. Tom knew what he was doing when he placed all the babies that he placed. Each one that we know that was placed by Fr. Tom and Mr. Penn  are all reunited with their birth families and not only that but the birth families all love the adopted families as well. Lauren and I think that because we all had Fr. Tom in common our families all had a good strong sense of faith and love. That has to be the common denomitor. A friend of mine has a friend who's daughter was adopted 18 years ago. She recently found her birth mother and she left home to live with her. I called Lauren to tell her and she said, oh goodness that is every adopted mothers worst fear. We both agreed that this girl is going about it all wrong. A person cannot just up and leave the family she has known for a person who most definitely loves her but has probably been built up as a fantasy. It will never work like that. Building a strong foundation takes time. It takes baby steps to truly truly know each other. Birth mothers are just girls. We are not perfect and if that is recognized over time, the relationship will grow. Lauren said that in the beginning when everyone is meeting, everyone puts on their best face. lol. It is so wonderful that we have gotten to the place where when I texted Lauren last week and told her I was struggling with putting a seat cushion together.. She said, "and I can see the perplexed expression on your face." She said, " i love that I know that expression!." I told my friend that I will pray for her friends family and that the daughter will be able to find a balance with her parents and her birth mom. It can work. It can be wonderful and so filled with love but there is a lot of give and take and letting go on everyones end.

Last night was the SSC family fun fair. Joe was so excited about it. I rounded up several parents from his class to work concessions. I worked concessions for about an hour. The rain held off which was great. It is so strange because I really don't know anyone up there anymore. I mean, I know some people but now that Joe is in 5th grade and he is our youngest there, there are so many young families.  Joe went home with friends and spent the night there. it's Good Friday, so no school today! Jack had an early morning apt. with Dr. Jaffe His collar bone is healing nicely so we don't have to go back there anymore. Kate was with her friends last night. Alex had an away game in Tuscaloosa. She was able to work a belles event at Wrapsody yesterday. I think she has 17 hours now. She has 13 more to do and then she is finished. I want her to just finish them this summer. I know she won't want to be doing them senior year. I saw one of the peer helping teachers yesterday and she said she sent Kate to Simmons to help with a mediation. There were several girls having some issues and she said Kate did great. She loves working through drama when it doesn't involve her. I hope she continues with peer helping. She is good at it and that is experience that could help her in college and maybe with deciding her career. I invited some friends over for wine by the fireplace this evening. I kind of forgot it was Good Friday when I texted her. Not sure if we'll be doing it tonight. Might have to save it for next Friday. I'm going shopping today. I need a black strapless swim top. I might even pick up a new dress for Sunday. I decided that it was way more fun buying Easter basket items when the kids were little. I'm working in the nursery tomorrow evening for the Easter Vigil service. I love working with Adrianna and I love seeing all of our POP families. We are brain storming about a couple of camps we're doing this summer. Like I said before, we have a great group of teachers and we all enjoy working together.

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