Tuesday, April 19, 2011

knock out roses!

Thankfully my flower fund recovered! I finally broke down and bought four knock out roses to put out front by the house. Rick and I cleared all the garbage bushes that were just yucky and I've been trying to decide what to do there. I think the knock out roses will be great and they're supposed to be so easy to maintain. We shall see. I also bought a carnation plant to put in the cutting garden. I can't remember if it is just a spring bloomer but I figure it will be a nice addition to that area. I bought pine straw from the guys last week but I really need double that amount. Maybe they'll be back out here or I guess I could just call them, they gave me several cards. We had a staff meeting today, I can't believe the end of the year is coming so fast and after next week, I only have one full week with our babies and then I'm off to Hawaii where Vonnie is praying I don't get radiation or swept away by a tsunami. We really have a wonderful group at the playschool. Kara has settled in and everything is running smoothly. I miss Trisha but I know she is happy where she is with her family and Kara has done a nice job making it her own and we have all adapted nicely. I am looking forward to helping organize a couple of summer camps this summer. I love having the kids old enough that I can do that now. Boot camp was tough tough tough yesterday. We did bear crawls and crab crawls and frog hops which I have a hard time doing so I usually do lunges. We didn't directly work our abs but we did something to work them because I can feel it. I can do 30 guy push ups on a good day and I am happy I'm getting stronger. It has taken 6 months to build up to this. I want Rick to take it with me but he is hesitant. Terri has the basketball coach doing our camp now. He said he wants his players to do a camp also. It will certainly whip them into shape. Kate isn't working today, not sure what she has planned. She has been working on Alex's birthday present. Lauren's birthday is in 2 days. Her presents are in my car in boxes. They're ready to ship. She is going to Texas for her birthday and Easter so I'm not rushing out to mail them and I know she is busy so she probably won't have time to check her po box.. April is a busy busy month for birthdays around here!

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