Friday, April 29, 2011

Goodness gracious, I'm not really sure where to begin. I guess with the major tornadoes that ripped Alabama to pieces on Wed. We knew the weather was going to be bad, we had no idea that it was going to be this bad. Tuscaloosa is an absolute mess. So many homes and restaurants were taken out and there have been a number of deaths reported including students. The tornado kept going and going and going, through Birmingham, pleasant grove and Pratt City, St. Claire and Calhoun counties all the way to Rome GA. Horrible. We were very lucky here as one friend put it God had his protective hand over Hoover. We experienced some power outage but that was all. Debris fell from Tuscaloosa all the way to bluff park and Oxford, AL which is 2 hours away. Maybe more than 2 hours. The state is coming together to donate items for everyone that has been hurt. There are donation stations all over Birmingham and it is awesome to see the Auburn fans helping the Bama fans during this time. I know that sounds weird to anyone who isn't from here or living here but there is such a rivalry all year long with these two schools except when there is tragedy. That is true team spirit. Rick and I being from Illinois certainly grew up with tornado warnings and watches, I remember a lot of watches but nothing ever happened. Here, they happen.

This morning, William and Kate were married. I didn't get up to watch or set my dvr for it. I figured they'd be fine w/o me viewing. I did see some pictures and oh I love her dress! It is so Grace Kelly and just classic. I don't think William will age well, although, I would marry him. :) Harry on the other hand, now he is cute! I think William and Kate are very sweet together. they've been dating so long , I think they'll be okay. Diana was a lot younger than Kate and she seemed to be sort of plucked out of women to be the princess for Charles. I feel like William chose Kate b/c first of all he thought she was "hot" haha and and then b/c he loved her. I can't imagine my sister marrying a prince. wow! that would be crazy. I bet they'll be a lot of baby girls named Kate! One of the commentators said oh I suppose we should call her Kathryn. I love the name Kathryn and having a princess named Kathryn is really neat. I bet she ends up being Kate. My Kate doesn't like her name. I can't imagine! I would love to have her name.

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