Friday, April 15, 2011

new crop

Rick and I went to the Law Academy banquet with Jack last night. Even though Kate is in Law 3, she chose not to go. She had attended the previous two banquets and this year she wanted to go to the soccer game. She will for sure be there next year as they do special things for the Law 4 students. Jack was invited because he will be a new law student. There were a lot of the 8th graders there and he has some good friends in the class. 8th grade boys are so squirrley. They had a hard time sitting through the whole thing. We ended up leaving after Amy King introduced the junior kids. I think Jack will enjoy being in law academy. I know it will be a challenge. It is a lot of reading and critial thinking. Kate has enjoyed it even though Law 3 has been so hard and this class is an elective. There are so many things to be involoved with at HHS, I'm glad Jack has chosen something that will help him learn to think and study. Even if he doesn't go into law, it will surely prepare him for other careers. The senior law students handed each 8th grader a tshirt as their name was called. Passing the torch so to speak.

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