Saturday, June 7, 2008

So, here is the latest thing my children want rick and i to buy. A lake house! ha, what in the world? all we've been hearing lately is "everyone has one!" okay, so it really isn't a big secret that lakes aren't my favorite bodies of water. nooo, i prefer salt water. I don't know why, probably b/c that is what i loved as a child and i still love it. i don't really love it all over me any more like when i was younger but i do love hearing the waves and the smell of salt water. it is true, a lot of people near us have lake houses. lots and lots of kate's friends have lake houses which is great b/c she can go with them but it seems she and jack want us to buy a lake house like right now! lol. i just don't see us getting a lake house in the next two weeks.


SHORTKIDS3 said...

why not a beach house instead.....then you will see us all of the

A Year In The Life said...

oh i would love to have a beach condo! that would be the best!

Valerie said...

we've been looking for a lakehouse for over a year now. Of course what's in our price range is a dilapidated shack but we're still looking!
I'd like a condo at the beach that way we can rent it by the week and that would help pay the mortgage.
How 'bout we go halfsies on one???

A Year In The Life said...

ok! let's do it. i'd love a condo at the beach!