Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hi everyone. The new bedroom furniture is here and it is so great! I took the boys to the pool today so I wasn't here when they delivered it. i will take pictures of the room when its all done! I think I lost 10lbs at the pool I was sweating and sweating and sweating. Ugh! I have drank like 100 oz of water since we got home. It was hot but it didn't seem that hot. I think the breeze sort of masked it. anyway, I was sooooo thirsty. Well, I'm going to organize the bedroom. later gater. :)


Jayne said...

can't wait to see the pics! it is hot here too, just really humid!

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Whew tell me about the heat, I am sweating just thinking about it!!! See ya later!