Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hello. I'm getting ready to go to my painting party tonight. I think its going to be a lot of fun, can't wait to give the hostess her gift and to meet new people.

Just caught a bit of the evening news and saw that there is a prediction that gas will go to $7.00/gal. I believe it, of course it will and there is nothing Americans can do about it! HELLOOOOOO, We need to be finding oil here, over here, helloo, gulf of mexico, which is in our back yard, Alaska! Helloo. what in the world, why haven't we been doing this for the past 20 years? It is time to take control of our own destiny here!

Thank You Mr. Senator! At least someone is trying to do something!

In a speech later in the Texas oil capital of Houston, the Arizona senator was to call for a 27-year-old moratorium on offshore exploration to be lifted

1 comment:

Candice said...

I agree... I hate the gas prices. We are controlled by the oil tycoons in the middle east. And they are sitting back and getting filthy rich. It drives me crazy. Another thing that America needs to do is stop importing. We are perfectly capable of making everything that we need to survive. Sure it will cost a little more but it will support people here in America. OK, I'm off my soap box now!!!