Hi. Okay, so I'm just a little bit over summer right now. I know, I know. I love summer. I really do but right now, I'm just a bit over all the sleep overs and extra children. I love them but I think I'm saying no more sleep overs until next week. I think that is fair enough!
I fired some more bowls today, went to the grocery, picked up kate and then took the boys to the pool. It was supposed to be a beautiful day today but it really wasn't. It was a little too cloudy for my taste. I prefer it sunny sunny sunny!!
Jack requested that I make the mashed potato bowls like kfc does. Kate thought it was yucky but it was really pretty good. Sooo easy too. mashed potatoes, popcorn chicken and corn kernels. I used a rotisserie chicken too. I put cheese on jack's b/c he loves cheese. It could be healthier with peas and carrots for good color. Not too bad.
Thats about it. Not much else to tell you.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Hi. Another Monday! I got up early this morning to fire some more bowls. They are all turning out very cute! Anyway, i organized my office yesterday and so now, I'm a little more inclined to want to be up there working on new and fun things to show you! I made a chip and dip set for my neighbors, it says Smith Lake instead of their name b/c their house is on Smith Lake. Anyway, I think it is soo cute. Can't wait to see it done. Also worked on a bridal plate. I love painting brides b/c their dresses and hair and veils are so fun!
Jack and his friends have been practicing golf out front. Jack is actually pretty good at driving the ball and he has been working on chipping and putting. I would love it if he got into golf b/c I know there is a lot of scholorship money available for golf.
It rained for a good half an hour last night. soo, it is beautiful today! We will of course be heading to the pool this afternoon. :)
Jack and his friends have been practicing golf out front. Jack is actually pretty good at driving the ball and he has been working on chipping and putting. I would love it if he got into golf b/c I know there is a lot of scholorship money available for golf.
It rained for a good half an hour last night. soo, it is beautiful today! We will of course be heading to the pool this afternoon. :)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Hi! Well, we had a nice Saturday. I didn't even have to go to the grocery store b/c Rick and kate picked up dinner and breakfast essentials. Yay!! I worked on my painting and did some laundry today. also, cleaned the kitchen floors. Jack is finishing his first novel of the summer right now and Rick and Joe are watching a movie. Kate is at a friends, I know, you're totally shocked! She isn't spending the night though. Sometimes, she does have to sleep here, she just has to! I signed up for a facebook tonight. lol, What in the world. I hope someone befriends me on there. Anyway, just saying hi!
I just don't think these little things would work where I live. It would have to be like a v8 engine to get up the hills~

It's Saturday and I think its going to rain today. I keep saying that and then it never does. We need it though. Everything outside is looking a little sad. :( I am getting ready to fire the first batch of bunco bowls! Can't wait to see them. I'm listening to my Mozart cd. I know that my mind is absorbing this music and I'm going to be a more creative person! Listening to this cd, I'm wondering how a person even begins composing music like this. It is amazing! I can't imagine. I was just poking around on the aol home page and it had about 20 pics of how Americans are dealing with the rise in fuel costs. I'm thinking the only good thing that might come out of this issue is that American's waist lines will shrink. Seriously, people are riding bikes when they can, walking more, food is more expensive so they are not eating huge portions. Have you noticed that several of the national brand ice cream companies have started selling their ice cream in containers that are not a full half gal? The price is the same though. Also, the article said that people are ditching their gas powered lawn mowers and using push mowers. I remember my dad had one of these when I was little. But, I'm wondering how may gallons does a gas powered mower take? Maybe 2 and it goes pretty far. Nonetheless, if they're using a push mower, they're getting exercise and that is good. Maybe if people are eating less, walking more, riding bikes more, and push mowing their lawn, we won't have to have such major issues with rising health care costs. I'm a person that will try to see the glass half full, I just do, it's my nature. As much as I do worry about issues, I find its best to see the good things too. (must be the mozart working.lol)
Friday, June 27, 2008

Hello. Rick is on his way to pick up our yummy pizza order!!! I always get a greek salad and a personal veggie pizza. sooooooooooo yummy. love friday nights! took the kids to the pool this afternoon, enjoyed hanging out with friends and catching up. Lots of people are headed to the beach this weekend and next. We are not, I miss it soooo much. I need a condo!! I don't think that is in God's plans for me but I can always ask. Have to fire the bowls this weekend and try to clean a little. Kate is at the lake with her friend, Joe is finally home. Jack is home too. :) Life is good. Love it!

It's Friday and I don't know where the week went! Last nights pottery party was tons of fun! What a fun group of girls and their bowls are going to be awesome. Thanks Margaret! No VBS today so I got to sleep in. Rick made it home okay, he was sooo tired. Today, I'm going to glaze the bowls and go to the pool. I think my Mozart cd should be here today. Yippee!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Hello. I'm getting ready to go to my painting party tonight. I think its going to be a lot of fun, can't wait to give the hostess her gift and to meet new people.
Just caught a bit of the evening news and saw that there is a prediction that gas will go to $7.00/gal. I believe it, of course it will and there is nothing Americans can do about it! HELLOOOOOO, We need to be finding oil here, over here, helloo, gulf of mexico, which is in our back yard, Alaska! Helloo. what in the world, why haven't we been doing this for the past 20 years? It is time to take control of our own destiny here!
In a speech later in the Texas oil capital of Houston, the Arizona senator was to call for a 27-year-old moratorium on offshore exploration to be lifted
Just caught a bit of the evening news and saw that there is a prediction that gas will go to $7.00/gal. I believe it, of course it will and there is nothing Americans can do about it! HELLOOOOOO, We need to be finding oil here, over here, helloo, gulf of mexico, which is in our back yard, Alaska! Helloo. what in the world, why haven't we been doing this for the past 20 years? It is time to take control of our own destiny here!
Thank You Mr. Senator! At least someone is trying to do something!
In a speech later in the Texas oil capital of Houston, the Arizona senator was to call for a 27-year-old moratorium on offshore exploration to be lifted
jack at lunch

joe making spices
joe showing us his tent for his tribe

in the market place

joe showing us his tent for his tribe

in the market place

creating with sand
pounding out coins.

pounding out coins.

Hi. Want to share a few pictures with you. Jack and I visited Joe at bible school today and it was so fun. This program was awesome and he really enjoyed it! It was set up like galilee or what it might have looked like during Jesus' time. The kids got to make bread and pound of coins and do pottery and paint fish and paint gourds which joe called orgs and they got to blend spices. It was really neat and he was in the tribe of Levi. The kids dressed in costumes and listened to stories. He loved it! Jack and I had lunch together after that which was really nice. We never get to hang out like that!!

Who doesn't love a yummy juicy watermelon in the summer??? I bought a huge watermelon the other day and we've been enjoying it all week! I love looking up the benefits of my favorite fruits and veggies so I thought I'd post a little nutritional info on my blog. Health Benefits
Watermelon is not only great on a hot summer day, this delectable thirst-quencher may also help quench the inflammation that contributes to conditions like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and arthritis.
Concentrated in Powerful Antioxidants
Sweet, juicy watermelon is actually packed with some of the most important antioxidants in nature. Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C and a very good source of vitamin A, notably through its concentration of beta-carotene. Pink watermelon is also a source of the potent carotenoid antioxidant, lycopene. These powerful antioxidants travel through the body neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are substances in the body that can cause a great deal of damage. They are able to oxidize cholesterol, making it stick to blood vessel walls, where it can lead to heart attack or stroke. They can add to the severity of asthma attacks by causing airways to clamp down and close. They can increase the inflammation that occurs in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and cause most of the joint damage that occurs in these conditions, and they can damage cells lining the colon, turning them into cancer cells. Fortunately, vitamin C and beta-carotene are very good at getting rid of these harmful molecules and can therefore prevent the damage they would otherwise cause. As a matter of fact, high intakes of vitamin C and beta-carotene have been shown in a number of scientific studies to reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce the airway spasm that occurs in asthma, reduce the risk of colon cancer, and alleviate some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. A cup of watermelon provides 24.3% of the daily value for vitamin C, and, through its beta-carotene, 11.1% of the DV for vitamin A.
Watermelon is not only great on a hot summer day, this delectable thirst-quencher may also help quench the inflammation that contributes to conditions like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and arthritis.
Concentrated in Powerful Antioxidants
Sweet, juicy watermelon is actually packed with some of the most important antioxidants in nature. Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C and a very good source of vitamin A, notably through its concentration of beta-carotene. Pink watermelon is also a source of the potent carotenoid antioxidant, lycopene. These powerful antioxidants travel through the body neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are substances in the body that can cause a great deal of damage. They are able to oxidize cholesterol, making it stick to blood vessel walls, where it can lead to heart attack or stroke. They can add to the severity of asthma attacks by causing airways to clamp down and close. They can increase the inflammation that occurs in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and cause most of the joint damage that occurs in these conditions, and they can damage cells lining the colon, turning them into cancer cells. Fortunately, vitamin C and beta-carotene are very good at getting rid of these harmful molecules and can therefore prevent the damage they would otherwise cause. As a matter of fact, high intakes of vitamin C and beta-carotene have been shown in a number of scientific studies to reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce the airway spasm that occurs in asthma, reduce the risk of colon cancer, and alleviate some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. A cup of watermelon provides 24.3% of the daily value for vitamin C, and, through its beta-carotene, 11.1% of the DV for vitamin A.

Hi everyone. Just took Joe to his friends so they can head off to their last day of VBS. He has really had a wonderful week and I'm going to go to the church later in the morning so I can see him. I'll take my camera! Not sure what is happening today. I think its supposed to maybe rain later on so the pool is probably out. I have to prepare for a painting party this evening. I'm very excited, it will be a lot of fun. I love giving a little hostess gift when I start the parties and my friend, Margaret has booked two parties with me so I painted her a really fun chip and dip set. I love it and I would sooooooooo keep it if it didn't her last name on it. lol. anyway, I hope she likes it. Have a great day. xoxoxoxo
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Hi. Had a great day today. Ended up going to the pool from 1:30 til 5. Loved visiting with my friends there and just hanging out. Kate and Jack both went to the movies but with different people, duh! Anyway, its nice that Jack is big enough now to go with friends and it was soooooooooo great car pooling with people in my neighborhood. Kate doesn't have any close friends in here so we are always driving her everywhere! I even had a chance to visit with my neighbor on her back porch. You know Ral loves going to Donna's. Thats about it. Tomorrow is pretty much the same. :)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Just got home from football evaluations for the boys. They did pretty good. This is Joe's first year. Jack weighs 107 and Hobie weighs 52. They are both excited! Kate is having some friends over tonight. I'm just hanging out doing nothing. Got my walk in today and a little yoga stretching. Grilled hamburgers early so we would get some dinner in before tryouts. I'm still full! That's about it. Pretty lazy.
Hi! We are all up bright and early this morning. Joe is off to VBS with his friend JP. Joe did not want to get up and go. Oh, no, he is not a morning person and I know he went to bed way too late last night. Tonight, he will be in bed early! Rick is on his way north and I'm thinking of what I should be doing around here. I'm hoping to get my office organized and everything back to normal. I'll let ya know how it goes. Have a great summer day!
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hi! Happy Sunday. Well, we are officially off vacation and back to our summer norm. which isn't the norm but whatever. Kate spent the night at her friends last night, Jack is up and Joe is still sleeping. My kitchen has exploded with dishes everywhere, not sure how that happened. I'm pretty much caught up on the laundry. I am working on two very cute margarita glasses upstairs. I hope they turn out like I think they will. Sooo fun! I was poking around the net this morning and came across this picture of a flooded farm in Quincy Il which is about 3 hours southish from Peoria. Growing up, I'd see farms like this one all the time, I can't imagine them being under water! Where does all this water go when it leaves?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Hi Guys!
We're back home. Ahh, it was very nice beachin it last week. It's such a tease because just as I'm settling in, it's time to go home. We had nice weather, not too hot and even some thunderstorms at night but the days were nice and filled with sun! The boys had fun and spent all their quarters in five min. at the arcade. Kate enjoyed just hanging out and checking out the boys. She met one cute boy from Tuscaloosa but he was only there one day. She really just had fun with her aunts whom she never gets to see. We all ate too much but it was all so yummy. Now we are here to enjoy the rest of our summer. Before we know it, we'll be shopping for school clothes and supplies and ahhh! I will put together a slide show sometime today.
We're back home. Ahh, it was very nice beachin it last week. It's such a tease because just as I'm settling in, it's time to go home. We had nice weather, not too hot and even some thunderstorms at night but the days were nice and filled with sun! The boys had fun and spent all their quarters in five min. at the arcade. Kate enjoyed just hanging out and checking out the boys. She met one cute boy from Tuscaloosa but he was only there one day. She really just had fun with her aunts whom she never gets to see. We all ate too much but it was all so yummy. Now we are here to enjoy the rest of our summer. Before we know it, we'll be shopping for school clothes and supplies and ahhh! I will put together a slide show sometime today.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Hi! Well, it's Friday. Mom, Dad, Jayne and Abbie are on their way! Tomorrow we'll be at the beach. I'm really looking forward to just doing nothing. It will be nice to get away from here for a bit and not have the usual every day things to think about. :) Ralph is on his way to the lake with Donna and his bff's. :) He was sooo excited. I've pretty much packed Rick and myself. The boys are easy, they basically live in their swim suits all week long. Kate will pack herself. We are taking Rick's car this year as it just makes more sense with gas prices and it isn't like we are driving too far. I'm sure by the time we get there, the kids will be fighting, ha I say that, I'm sure by the time we get out of here the kids will be fighting. Pulleeze, my sisters and I drove to the beach in small cars and it took a lot longer!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Hi! Well, look at that, we will be at the beach in 2 days! I'm really looking forward to just sort of setting up all my beach junk and sitting for awhile or at least until its just too hot to sit anymore.
I just took Kate up the street to babysit. The boys are still sleeping, Rick is off to the last day of his meeting. I even got up at 6 and got my walk/run in. It really feels good to have that under my belt this morning and it was humid but not hot yet. We've had some really nice late afternoon pop up thunderstorms. It rained for almost an hour last night.
I guess we'll go to the pool again today, pretty much the same as yesterday. I'm caught up on cleaning and pottery and most of the laundry. I love that!
ps Jack's girlfriend dumped him last night. :( He was okay, he said, she said, she just didn't want a boy friend right now but they could still be friends. awww. jack.
I just took Kate up the street to babysit. The boys are still sleeping, Rick is off to the last day of his meeting. I even got up at 6 and got my walk/run in. It really feels good to have that under my belt this morning and it was humid but not hot yet. We've had some really nice late afternoon pop up thunderstorms. It rained for almost an hour last night.
I guess we'll go to the pool again today, pretty much the same as yesterday. I'm caught up on cleaning and pottery and most of the laundry. I love that!
ps Jack's girlfriend dumped him last night. :( He was okay, he said, she said, she just didn't want a boy friend right now but they could still be friends. awww. jack.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hi friends and family! Well, my house is starting to wake up. Rick was out of here bright and early, he came home from his team dinner last night soo tired. He practically fell into bed. Looks like its going to be nice today so hopefully we'll get some pool time in. I did a lot of work around the house yesterday and today I can sit back for a little bit. I saw an article in the paper that there is a jump in snake bites around Alabama due to the drought and the recent rains and such. its kind of creepy.Rick said he saw one under his trailer out back last week. Ick! I've seen several in the middle of the road recently. Spiders and Snakes give me the heebie jeebies! Anyway. thats about it. Have a great Wednesday. :)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Hello. Well, it finally rained. We had a nice little thunderstorm late this afternoon and it poured buckets! Sooo good for my garden and grass. I took Kate to her friends earlier, around 1pm, they were going to the pool so hopefully they got some pool time in before it stormed. Jack and Joe played most of the day up the street and now their buddy is spending the night. I just got in from my walk. I did lots of cleaning today, bathrooms, laundry, kitchen floors, dishes, dusting. I really need to get in my car and clean it. Something died in there. It totally smells like a wet towel was left in there but I've taken everything out. Ugh! Oh well. I have to do it anyway before our trip. Thats about it. Sooo not exciting. Rick should be home sometime. He has been so busy with his meetings this week . I know he is ready to just chill out!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Hi. We had a good Monday. Joe was invited to go to the water park with friends and I took Jack, and his friend, Ben and Kate to the pool with me. It was another hot day but we saw lots of fun people at the pool today. On the way home we saw one of Kate's friends driving! That is crazy weird to see. He has his permit and will be 16 in the fall so his dad was with him but still, weird! I just got in from my walk and it looks like the rain is on its way. We need it and I love a good thunderstorm especially at night that way it can be all gone by morning and we can play outside! I'm forever a child.
My horoscope
Today's Horoscopes:
June 09, 2008
Select Your Sign:
Enter Your Birthday
M Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
D 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
General -
Aries March 21-April 19
Taurus April 20-May 20
Gemini May 21-June 20
Cancer June 21-July 22
Leo July 23-August 22
Virgo August 23-September 22
Libra September 23-October 22
Scorpio October 23-November 21
Sagittarius November 22-December 21
Capricorn December 23-January 19
Aquarius January 20-February 18
Pisces February 19-March 20
Horoscope by Rick Levine
You may start your day by running into unexpected obstacles, but this isn't time to quit. Stand firm and focus your energy on overcoming whatever is in your way. Giving up won't get you any closer to your goals and it will encourage you to doubt your abilities. Your persistence may be rewarded quicker than you think.
June 09, 2008
Select Your Sign:
Enter Your Birthday
M Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
D 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
General -
Aries March 21-April 19
Taurus April 20-May 20
Gemini May 21-June 20
Cancer June 21-July 22
Leo July 23-August 22
Virgo August 23-September 22
Libra September 23-October 22
Scorpio October 23-November 21
Sagittarius November 22-December 21
Capricorn December 23-January 19
Aquarius January 20-February 18
Pisces February 19-March 20
Horoscope by Rick Levine
You may start your day by running into unexpected obstacles, but this isn't time to quit. Stand firm and focus your energy on overcoming whatever is in your way. Giving up won't get you any closer to your goals and it will encourage you to doubt your abilities. Your persistence may be rewarded quicker than you think.
Hi! I'm up early this morning, not sure why but I am. I have some work to do with my pottery so I thought I'd get an early start. I think its supposed to storm this afternoon which is good and bad. We need the rain but of course it is always a pain when it rains in the afternoon b/c we can't go to the pool. Oh well, we'll see. Sometimes the weather people say its going to rain and then it never does. I really don't have much to blog about, everything is kind of quiet right now which is a good thing. :)
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
So, here is the latest thing my children want rick and i to buy. A lake house! ha, what in the world? all we've been hearing lately is "everyone has one!" okay, so it really isn't a big secret that lakes aren't my favorite bodies of water. nooo, i prefer salt water. I don't know why, probably b/c that is what i loved as a child and i still love it. i don't really love it all over me any more like when i was younger but i do love hearing the waves and the smell of salt water. it is true, a lot of people near us have lake houses. lots and lots of kate's friends have lake houses which is great b/c she can go with them but it seems she and jack want us to buy a lake house like right now! lol. i just don't see us getting a lake house in the next two weeks.
Hello. Well, its sooooooooooooooo hot here today! Whoosh. Summer has arrived in Alabama. Rick and I got our walk in this morning which was great and then I did some laundry and got ready to head to the pool. Saturday's at the pool are just sort of weird. its a totally different crowd which isn't a bad thing at all but just different. We hung out at the pool for awhile and then kate and I got hungry so we ran home for lunch, then I dropped Kate back off at the pool and I went to the store to pick up something for dinner. Something that could sit in the car while i went back to the pool. I picked up stuff for tacos, I had the meat at home already. I got in just in time to watch Big Brown lose. :( It was sad. What a beautiful horse. I really don't know much about horse racing but I wanted him to win. Oh well. Anyway, I made tacos. I'm bored. noone is online. no emails and I hate weekends! lol. ugh! I think the girls are going to a baseball game at the other highschool which is sooooooooooo far away! Why can't they be playing up here by us? Nothing is ever easy.
Hello, Happy Saturday. Just took Ralph out and wow is it going to be hot today! I really need to get my walk in and I'm going to fry out there! Anyway, its a great day to go to the pool and hang out for awhile. Yesterday, we were at the pool and it was fun seeing old friends and meeting some new ones. jack spent the night up the street and joe had his friend here. kate and i made a quick trip over to the summit. she had some babysitting money to spend and she found a really neat long dress at francessca's. i bought some earrings. we also popped into the vera bradley store. omg! i'm in love with the furniture in there. wow! it is really beautiful and soooo me! i want all of it. i didn't even inquire about the prices b/c i don't want to know. other than that, we came home and just watched some tv and went to bed. kate is very ready for everyone to come home from cheer camp, horse things and nyc. i've enjoyed hanging out with her and i think the down time is always nice. one week from today we'll be on our way to the beach! whoo hoo!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Okay, so Rick just took Jack to VBS this morning. Kate is already up the street babysitting and Joe is going to a friends this afternoon for play time and a spend the night! We'll probably go to the pool for awhile today. tonight is our little girls get together with my preschool girls. Can't wait to see them! I am firing pieces now, have to walk, oh and some tool and hater hacked into my paypal acct. and bought themselves 2 stupid sweatshirts worth 95.00. Good thing I check my email 5million times a day b/c we blocked the transfer of money and changed all passwords! Why do people have to be bad? Why can't they just be honest? Ugh! So annoying!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Hi everyone. The new bedroom furniture is here and it is so great! I took the boys to the pool today so I wasn't here when they delivered it. i will take pictures of the room when its all done! I think I lost 10lbs at the pool I was sweating and sweating and sweating. Ugh! I have drank like 100 oz of water since we got home. It was hot but it didn't seem that hot. I think the breeze sort of masked it. anyway, I was sooooo thirsty. Well, I'm going to organize the bedroom. later gater. :)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Hi. Had a good day today. We got to the pool around 1:00 and it seems to be a good time to go. The toddlers/babies were all going home b/c it was their nap time which left us all the chairs. It did get crowded but the kids had a great time and I sat most of the time in the shade. I do not need to sit in the sun every single day for 3 hours at a time!
Tomorrow our new furniture will be here! I'm so excited to see it.
I'm firing some of my order pieces and I'm getting ready to go for my walk. I'm changing things up a bit and walking in the evening. :)
Tomorrow our new furniture will be here! I'm so excited to see it.
I'm firing some of my order pieces and I'm getting ready to go for my walk. I'm changing things up a bit and walking in the evening. :)

hi! its another gorgeous day today. love love love it! joe spent the night up the street, kate ended up hanging out with some friends for a little while last night, thank god! jack was exhausted from his swimming yesterday. the house is sitll quiet. i actually have to run upstairs in a min and work on some pottery. i'm happy to say that i've been very busy with special orders, which i love! i need to get them all done and shipped or delivered by next friday b/c thats when we are headed to the what? the BEACH!
today will pretty much the same as yesterday. work here at home and then head to the pool in the afternoon. :)
Monday, June 2, 2008
hi! it was a beautiful day today. we finally made it to the pool around 1:30ish. lots of people there today enjoying the sunny day. before heading to the pool we went to barnes and noble to buy the book kate needs for summer reading. the whole school is supposed to read the same book. at the pool, i visited with my friends, laura and liz. i love chatting with them. not much else is going on except all of kate's friends are busy this week. the cheerleaders are headed to camp for the week in the morning, maddie is going to the state horse race for the week, maggie and company are in new york. i think its so totally rude of them not to consult me on when we're going to the beach. at least we could all be gone at the same time. lol. anyway, i know it is torture for a 14 year old to not have ANYTHING to do! i can find several things for her to do around here. maybe she could clean her room. :) anyway, i love summer. i had a nightmare the other night that summer only lasted two weeks. ahhh ! it was awful. how sad. :(
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