Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's Okay Thursday

Okay, I've seen this on several of my friend's blogs and I think it is super cute. I wish I could have thought of it myself but alas, I did not so there. I can't take credit for the idea but I can take credit for what's okay.

It's okay to run a mile before work, 2.5 miles after work and then go to spin for 40 min. It's really sweaty but it's okay.

It's okay to let your 17 year old daughter drive your big Suburban to visit her boyfriend at college because her car has a headlight out.

It's okay to eat cereal for an afternoon snack. People who eat cereal are thinner than those who don't.

It's okay to already be thinking about what I'm going to wear out to dinner tomorrow!

It's okay that my senior daughter is choosing not to go to the final four basketball games tomorrow. She is so done with high school!

It's okay that my 12 year old son has a cute little girlfriend. The innocence of this age is precious.

It's okay that my very handsome 15 year old son is asking for a new pair of khaki's and an argyle sweater vest. It's okay because its for golf.

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