Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Loving this beautiful weather

I know that along with this gorgeous warm weather in January comes terrible storms. I hate the storms and I hate the devastation they cause. Mother nature sure can be mean. But, thankfully, my family and friends are all safe and sound and we've been able to enjoy the warm days especially at work. Vonnie and I got our babies outside today for a little while. They are all walking now and they were so cute to watch outside. The feel of the grass on their hands is so new to them, they weren't quite sure what to think and its a lot easier walking inside even manueuvering around and through toys than it is on the uneven play ground. None the less, we had fun with them and the other teachers enjoyed them too. Hopefully, the storms will stay away until after 1 tomorrow so I can get my fabulous two's outside! I ran about 4.5 miles yesterday in Trace Crossings. I added about a half a mile to my run as it was so nice and I loved being outside in the sunshine! Today was bootcamp and even though I really didn't eat much at all, I was going through some calories. Tatum always has great things for us to do and she is always challenging us. I'll be ready for some hot yoga on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I'm going to use my unlimited as much as I can because I"m not sure I can afford it next month. I'm getting to be high maintenance in my 40's! Kate has been doing yoga too which I love. I have always encouraged her to exercise as I've been an exerciser since forever. I danced when I was young and then I enjoyed cheerleading for a while and in the 80's I got into the aerobics scene and pretty much never left it. But, yoga is  has been my little safe haven since Jack was a baby, 15 years ago. I'm glad she is enjoying it and she is good at it, not that anyone is compairing, Lord knows we aren't supposed to do that but I have to admit it always makes me a little happy when I can hold a pose longer than my neighbor but karma always comes back to bite my pride in the butt when I fall out of a pose before he/she does! just sayin. Kate was asked along with two other peer helpers to meet and greet city people tomorrow. She has truly enjoyed her time as a peer helper and she has found a replacement for her for next year to be with her sweet girl at BGI. Morgan, will do a great job and Kate has already met with Morgan to talk about it. It's important for Kate to leave Emily with someone like Kate and someone who is compassionate and caring and fun and smart and sweet and kind. Morgan is all of those things and will do a great job. I want Jack to be a peer helper when he is a junior. It's been a nice experience for Kate and she is excited to put it on her college/sorority resume. We've been chatting about who all is doing beauty walk. Kate isn't, so I am loving that I can just go and enjoy and have fun and not worry about Kate falling! Kate said she doesn't care who wins, she has a couple of friends whom she'd love to see win but other than that she doesn't care. I told her that I want a nice girl to win and there are a lot of nice girls competing so that is good! Jack had a good birthday. Rick will be home tomorrow so we'll officially celebrate this weekend. Kate baked Jack a yummy cake and I picked up Subway for dinner. Easy Breezy!

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