Saturday, January 21, 2012

I made it through my first Bikram yoga class!!

Bikram Yoga is the original hot yoga that has been featured in the press and on television. Also famous for its miraculous healing ability, it is a very specific 90 minute series of 26 yoga postures and breathing exercises taught in 105′ heat and 40% humidity. Each pose is a challenge that provides powerful health benefits. The class is designed for beginners as well as for those students who have a regular practice. Every class is open to first time students.

The postures are done in the safe environment of a heated room so that deep penetration of the heat can relieve muscle resistance without risking injury. The postures are a copyrighted sequence of poses created by Bikram Choudhury. They are done in specific order, preparing the body for the next posture, resulting in powerful healing and miraculous results.

In each Bikram Yoga class, you will work every muscle, tendon, joint, ligament, internal organ, and gland while systematically moving fresh, oxygenated blood to 100% of the body. These postures work synergistically and cumulatively to put the body back on track and in balance.

Bikram Yoga builds strength, balance and flexibility by gently stretching and massaging the spine, muscles, tendons, joints, and all internal organs of the body. Lung capacity is expanded, leading to greater vitality. Bones are strengthened. Joints are opened and lubricated. Muscles are strengthened, toned, and made more flexible. Regular practice of this series of postures results in the healing of injuries and illnesses, weight loss, stress reduction and peace of mind.

I drove to my first hot yoga class in a major January thunderstorm that only Alabama could produce! I was determined to go. I had my bag packed with my pink mat, my beach towel to put over it, my ice water and a change of clothes for when I was finally finished with the class. I was happy to see that the studio was easy to find and I pulled right up to the front. The turquoise walls and shot gun metal floors are beautiful and the front lobby is welcoming. I promptly put my flip flops in the shoe cabinet which is a really cool dark wood antique! I love that! I signed my life away saying that I would be responsible for all injuries occurring during class. I made my way down the hall to the ladies locker room, making sure to peek in the yoga room on the way. I texted my family and told them to pray for me and that I would be putting my phone away for 90 min. I then made my way to the hot hot hot room and put my mat out, put my towel on it and sat there. I stretched for a bit and then just sat quietly. Next time, I won't get there so early and sit in there so long but it was good for today. I wasn't sweating at first but I noticed when we stood up to do the first of the 26 poses which is really 52 because we do them twice that I had sweat dripping off my arms. I was happy that I could do all the poses, all but one that is. I was so focused on my form in the mirror that I didn't even pay attention to anyone else. The instructor did a great job talking us through the poses and she encouraged us to take a break if we needed it. I was noticing about half way through that the class is really hard! My heart was beating very fast and my legs were shaking. My clothes were soaked by this point. I finally got a glimpse of the girls watch who was next to me and I was so relieved to see it said 10:55...Yay, almost done! I usually enjoy savanyasa pose and I tried to relax but I was ready to get out into the cooler air. It was a great experience. I will definitely go back and I know that yoga is fabulous for me! There are a lot of poses that I enjoy doing that aren't a part of the 26 so I will have to do them on my own time. But, Bikram will be a wonderful compliment to spin and bootcamp, and running. I'm so happy that Birmingham has such a wonderful studio!!


Anonymous said...

That's awesome - bikram is not for the faint of yogi hearts that's for sure! Congrats!

I prefer Vinyasa & power yoga, mostly because i can't take the heat of bikram. I tried it twice and it was just unbearable. Kudos to all like yourself that love it & power through! Hope you have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Thanks Ally!! I know a lot of people, family included that would hate the heat. I like Vinyasa too. I need my sun salutaions and pigeon poses!!

Cathy said...

wow I don't think this is for me. I can hardly do regular yoga, but I am happy that you like it and can do it...I raised a daughter with perseverance!

Unknown said...

Mom, I don't think you'd like it either but I know you'd like how your body felt when you were done!! I think I'm pretty strong, yep thats how you raised me! A quiet strong.