Saturday, October 15, 2011

New Hair!!

So yesterday brought a win by Hoover once again beating the Rebels of Vestavia and me chopping 7 inches off my hair! Ahh. Yes. I love my new cut which is actually a fun version of the rachel. I always wanted the rachel 20 years ago but no one ever cut it right. I had been thinking of cutting my hair for awhile and i was looking at cute cuts on pinterest. I came across one that is super cute but its a little short. After my shower yesterday, I thought, okay, let's just run to great clips and get it cut up to my collar bone that way at least I can get used to this and I won't totally freak my two's out on Tues. The girl there did a really good job. I love it. It was time. My hair was just too long and for what reason? it was just too much. So, I love my new hair!!

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