Thursday, October 13, 2011

Immigration Law

"Legal citizens have nothing to fear, and I think the legal immigrants are beginning to see that. They were told immediately that there would be all these problems, but I think the legal immigrants are beginning to see this law does not affect them. They are welcome here, and everything is going to be just fine," Beason said.

I've said this all along. If you're legal, you have papers to prove it then by all means, stay, work, pay taxes, contribute and enjoy living in USA! If you're not legal then you need to pack you bags and go home and go through the right channels. I feel so strongly about this issue. I do not know of another country that would knowingly allow illegals to continue to live in their country w/o the right papers. This is something that should have been handled many years ago. I love this country and I love that we have always had open arms to all people but do not come in here and live under the radar. It's not fair to the one's who go through the legalization process and its not fair to the people born here. I understand that the illegals are probably not taking jobs away from Americans as most Amercians aren't willing to work in the fields for less than minium wage or move all over to do so but with this economy you never know. Prices will go up but I think it's a price we'll have to pay. Another issue, one that is related to this is babies born here in the US to illegal women. If mama isn't legal, baby isn't either. end of story!

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