Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I think October is one of my favorite months in Alabama. It is still warm but not ridiculous and don't get me wrong, I love ridiculous hot hot hot and humid but after several months of ridiculous it is refreshing to have it just warm and the mornings are so pretty at least when it isn't raining. Joe had his last football game last night with the Hoover Rec league. They didn't win but he sure had several tackles that helped the score not get out of control. He came home with a bunch of war wounds which he proudly showed to us and after a few tears, he ate some yummy chicken tacos and proceeded to pull one of his molars out! This molar had a cavity and the dentist knew it was going to come out soon so when he showed it to me, I showed him the hole in his tooth and reminded him to take good care of his new teeth. Jack went to the freshman game last night. This freshman football team is really really good. They won, beating Vestavia by some huge number to nothing. Go Bucs! Kate spent the evening with her bestie, Maddie. They made dinner together and had some good girl time. I think they were shopping for Halloween costumes, Kate couldn't find what she was looking for. The Halloween dance is coming up so she better get going. So speaking of Halloween. I came across an article on line this morning about Christians being conflicted about trick or treating. OH MY GOODNESS!!! People. Seriously! You are over thinking this! Why does everything have to be this huge deal? It's fun. dress up, get your candy and enjoy! God wants you to have fun. You're not hurting anyone, its just sugar for goodness sakes! Just makes me crazy that it would even be an issue! Gah!!!!

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