Friday, October 28, 2011

Fright by the Fire

Looks like we might have to come up with a plan B for fright by the fire. The rain that was supposed to come through yesterday didn't and now it is supposed to rain today. Soo...that might mess things up for Joe's get together. I asked him what he wanted me to get for this evening and he said he didn't care, they just want to hang out. I am trying to kick this cold and I really need to get out to the stores and buy the goods for the party. The Thursday night game threw me off but we had a great time. Being back at Buccanear stadium made me appreciate the space we have especially after being at Mt. Brook last week. Hoover played great and pulled off a win! Yay! Now on to the play offs. HOpe the weather holds for next weekend. Hoover play off game and the huge bama/lsu game. Rick and I are looking forward to being in Tuscaloosa for tailgating.

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